5th November Welland Valley Drive

Please include us for the Welland Valley Drive.


Ray and Glennis will not now be able to join you on that date. Look forward to seeing you all soon

Hi would you please add me to the drive and meal - regular carvery
Thanks sharon :heart:

Hi Barry,
Please can you add Claire and Sandy for the drive and meal

Please could you add me and Rich for the drive and meal

Is it ok to add me and Rich for this please?

yes no problem

Hi All
Due to reaching full capacity for lunch at the Wheel and Compass, we have now closed the list.
If anyone would still like to join us, for the Run Only, you are still welcome.
Thank you
David Mortiboys
(on behalf of Barry Badger)

Hi All
When you arrive at the Sainsburys car park there is lots parking so look for our group as you enter the car park. There are toilets in Sainsbury’s or in the Indoor Market Hall, walk through where the shops are.

We intend to leave at 10.00 to 10.15 AM so please try to be there so I can give a briefing on the drive .