A sorry sight

A victim of the local recent flooding. I believe it to bbe a 10th anniversary model. Appeared on a neighbour’s drive sometime last year. The property is empty,and haven’t seen the car move since it turned up

That’s a very sorry sight… May have had plans to restore it - but the flooding situation is even more saddening…, and takes some recovering from…

I’ve been down the road today,helping to clear furniture from affected houses. Truly heartbreaking to see the devastation caused. Considering myself very fortunate

I’m lucky as I live near the top of a hill. Communities do pull together during the floods and help each other out. Sadly these events are more common these days…

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That might have been a decent car; MOT ran out in September, and a bit of welding done 10 years ago

Yes its a real shame

Always liked the 10th anniversary model, a sorry sight indeed.

There’s still quite a following for this model by the looks of things.

The floods are not surprising. They build on flood plains and people are shocked. Then they put up flood defences to stop the river flooding where nature intended, as a result it has to go elsewhere. The result is floods somewhere else. :man_facepalming:t3:


You may have seen Northwich in the news recently regarding floods. I live in a village just outside the town and there were some farmers fields that used to flood when the rain got bad, which was not a big problem (other than for the farmer).

A builder put in planning permission for 75 new houses on these fields and everyone said no, even the local planning office. So the builders went to the government and they said yes, so the houses got built last year.

With this recent flooding, those new houses were ok, but all the water got displaced to the surrounding area and now some houses that have never flooded before got flooded.

A huge mistake and now there is another new housing development going up in Northwich which the council said no to, as it was also on a flood plain. Same thing, the central Government said yes. The houses are not built yet, but the foundations are in. Guess what - the whole area is under water.



I’m not suggesting that you blatantly capitalise on this really unfortunate situation Dave but clearly the car needs rescuing. The current owner may be pleased to get it out of the way.

Farms and rivers flooding is a double edged sword. The floods bring such a mass of rich nutrients that the crops grow wild. But if the floods stay for more than a couple of days the crops die.
I live on a river, my house is about 75meters from the river, it actually runs along my boarder and I own the river bed up to its centre line right along my boarder. It is between 3 and 5 meters wide at rest. In flood 300 meters wide. It comes up from 0.5/0.6 meters at rest to 2.48 meters at its record. This record left it about 1.5m below my house and about 4 meters from my back door. The farm fields are vast, and low. The farmer has built a 2 mile dam that he uses as his driveway all year around, this is the cause of the floods. When it gets to 2.4m or so the river runs over this obstruction so theoretically it won’t ever get any deeper my side. The river can be a good meter higher my side than the other side of the dam. Only a narrow bridge allows the river water to flow in its natural path. During floods it fills to the top of its mouth.
The floods on his field are his best friend, he says the soil is the best part of his farm because the river leaves such goodness after a flood. He is also lucky, the Penk is a small river and floods are only ever flash floods. Come and go in a couple of hours. Two days later the water reaches the Severn and the news papers.

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I’ve considered that Rob,but don’t have anywhere to store it.

First thing that I thought of was not a pleasant one.
Sewer effluents pushed up through drains and saturation of the interior & boot.
It’s what happens to peoples’ houses as well apparently.
Not “just” the waters, but what is suspended in flood.
I doubt that 10AE (?) is saveable bar the oily/mechanicals that can at least be disinfected & Karchered for an Exocet or something. Bet the ECU is goosed for one.
Looks like there’s a HT so there’s always £250/350 in it perhaps.

It was caused by a nearby mine shaft collapsing. Made the Welsh news. Daughter was interviewed by the news crew. Constant police presence here stopping people driving down past the affected area. It has affected us,as although our house wasn’t flooded,we were a week away from moving (contracts signed etc)our buyers have pulled out.

We have 200 houses at the rear of our property, built on what was partly floodplain in the 1990s, with a small river as its far boundary. The developer convinced the planners that they could “move” the floodplain from our side of the river to the other. They brought in a big, purpose built Bailey bridge, put it across the river with a huge crane and scraped the land from the other side (mainly clay) and brought it across the bridge to raise the level of the existing ground. Then they began building on it! Problem is, the “new floodplain” on the opposite side filled up fairly soon from surface runoff, nullifying it. The raised level on this side also holds considerable runoff on the surface, so water “attacks” the site from above as well as below. I have some photos taken as they began building. There was a large pond with ducks swimming on it for most of that winter. It was deep enough for the builders to have to put up a temporary fence to prevent accidents. There are now houses on that same area and it’s hardly surprising to learn that they suffer from ongoing damp problems, even though the river hasn’t yet broken its banks and reached them.

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