Actual garage build thread


Is it just me or what.   I stumbled across some more paperwork hoops I did not know existed. I’ll fill details in later when they are sorted.  So upshot is, I decided to call in at the council offices to speak directly to my planning officer about the paper hoops.  Firstly, why do I have to send in six coppies of everything to them, but they don’t send me anything ? Why do these hoops exist when its already passed ? Why was it up to me to stumble across them on their web site. etc etc.   Luckily he was in his office and came down to help me jump through the hoops.   I now had a form and instructions. 

Two working days later back to the council with their form and other relevent items and my credit card. Talked again to my planning officer who ran through my paperwork and took my money… All good…      … Until this morning (next day) email to say " Ive filled out the WRONG form and owe them another £3"  … I was there in their office… They gave me the form in my hand… They took my money… Angry   I’m told I can pay the £3 by phone on an automated system…  but guess what my reference details are invalid whupee. 

The whole reason I went to the planning office was to get it right first time.    Looks like I need a third trip.  Happy Days



Up date up to Christmas break.

My first home made window sill going in.  It will be painted white eventually.


some scaffolding has arrived

This is where we are up to before we stop for Christmas.

What a great project and thread!

Good luck - that garage looks like petrol head nirvana and has got me scheming about what I can achieve on a much smaller plot Thumbs up

An Email appology from the Council Planning department . Amazing eh . 

The trouble I posted earlier was quite a serious paperwork oversight or error.  It’s all cleared up now so I don’t mind filling in.  Allthough I had passed planning the council had put 4  non development orders on the property that I had to show compliance with before even taking off a roof tile!  Unfortunately they kept this to themselves, no post or Emails.  Thinking all was well I just got stuck in as you can see.  

The compliance orders in a nutshell were.

  1. Demolish the building only when wild life would not be disturbed and all bird nesting is over.

  2. Demolish only when there is no possibility of bats hibernating or being disturbed.

  3. Build a meter square sample of bricks and mortar to be approved and then kept on site for reference.

  4. Full details of window and door design with materials to be used.

I only found the orders when I went onto the planning web site to print off some more plans as i had run out.  Three trips to the council with photo’s and other documents and its been sorted. Amazingly building control have been on site and never said a word either.  I think I’m lucky anyway my luck would normally end up with me pulling it down to start again just because of the wrong paperwork.

Anyway back to work today and its getting higher.

Said it before mate but loving this thread and insanely gealous at the man-cave you’re building Cool

Thanks again.

Today ordered another 5 ton of sand, 12 bags cement, window and door lintels. Also rang to check on Oak post’s for the open bays and also the roof trusses, both should be next week.

The house name is now in place Smile

All the pics are from my phone so apologies for some of the quality.  Now Xmas is over were getting busy at work, so not so much time on site labouring for the lads. Most of the bricks and blocks are stacked out though, so they should still get on ok.  The outer wall is up to window and door lintel height (top of windows). A couple of days will see the blocks on the inside built up to the same height.   I did think about the height and i’m builing it just over transit van hight for the garage doors 2.3 meters. Most things should fit inside at that height.  

The top two layers of brick will be placed slightly overlaping outwards with metal brackets inserted for the gutters. I’m not having wooden facias. Weather permiting a chippy will be coming the back end of the month to help with the roof.  I’m not 100% sure how the gutters will fit with the oak post’s and lintels, or how much oak will be covered by the roof tiles.  I’d like to see plenty of  the oak lintel ontop of the post’s, so need to discus how it will be done. 

I can honestly say that without fail, in every dealing I’ve had and anyone I know has had with a planning department, it’s been a ‘who’s-who’ list of cock-ups and incompetencies.

Are they really all hopeless?

Well done mate, keep up the good work! Thumbs up

Looking good !  Glad you overcame your problems with the Planning department.  Ours here are a totally useless shower so probably the same everywhere !

The thing is all your hopes, dreams and money depend on some incompetent ***** working in an Ivory Tower, who with a flippant stroke of a pen has the power to ruin everything .Confused

I could rant on and on but I don’t want to offend the many good people on here that work for the council. 

My Green Oak  loaded onto my trailer, ready to be taken from the saw mill to another wood merchant for its Mortise and Tenon joints to be cut in.

Hi Neil

         Just found this thread of yours and am seriously jealous will come and check it out when I get back from sea.

Cheers Ross

 Has the bad weather stopped this build at present?

Yes it’s ground to a halt as far as brick work is concerned. It’s a no go below zero degrees and last night it dropped to -10deg here. 

But look what arrived yesterday, the roof trusses.  We had to hand ball everything from the road side to inside the yard. But that’s it until were back above zero with no rain.

Bring on the sunshine

 Looks like it could be a while before we get sunny weather back again.

Just started to snow here now.


After fitting in a few days here and there between frost, snow and rain, the walls are up roof hight appart from the gables.  We got on really quickly today with two joiners, two builders,one apprentice and me. I’ve taken plenty of  photo’s on my phone so here we go with todays update. Thumbs up

Sun rise and photo’s of wall tops. The top two layers of bricks are stepped out ( no wooden facias) .

36 cups of tea today {#emotions_dlg.indif}

Oak Mortice and Tenon joints cut and ready.

Steel bar set to lower the Oak post’s onto. Two are set Excactly 2990mm apart and 3" from the back of the wall line.  Funny how Imperial and Metric are mixed.

First Truss to go up just after 8oclock. Big Smile

Not long after a few more.

Larger trusses laying on the wall tops waiting to be lifted into place.

Now there up.

Next is the Oak.  We’ve been looking forward to this bit.  Post’s with supports, notice the Oak  dowels knocked in to hold them together.Thumbs up

Dinner break, then the Oak lintels.  Amazing it all fits together spot on. 

Oak looks good. Now to lift up the rest of the big trusses by hand and yes there heavy but there was six of us to lift them.

Next job to lift this lot into place. You can now see the room space in the roof.

Last few photo’s of the day.

The gap in the bigger roof is designed so I can have a  2 or 4 post ramp one day. This gap in trusses will allow cars to be lifted up into the roof space. Perlins will span across leaving a nice big space.

So that’s it for today…Phew.       I’m well chuffed the Oak bits fitted together and everything measured up spot on.  Tomorrow will be slower as there is lot’s of wooden infil to make for the gulleys and an internal gable to build up from blocks.   The biggest worry now is money and running out. Clay tiles arn’t cheap and I new a few, It’s going to be tight and I may have to stop and save up before the final finish.   Anyway a bloody good day today.  Big Smile


Wow that’s very impressive Neil , if you need some money I should sell the builders a new van. You know the game give with the one hand and take back with the other.Will we be having a club meeting there in the not to distant future and because it’s so posh will it be formal dress.Well done that’s a huge leap forward.

cheers Ross

Thanks Ross

I don’t do posh too often, it’s jeans all the way for me except weddings and funerals!  Tight builders take with one hand and then take some more with the other. 

 The oak looks superb and suits the setting very well.

This is going to look fantastic when finished.

Well done.






Thanks for the encouragement every one. Thumbs up

Friday didn’t get anywhere compared to thursday. I did my back in on the 7th shuvel of sand into the mixer Cry ouch. Was it a snapping carrot I heard…Confused… nope it was me turning into a cripple.  So thats me in agony and out of action for a while.    

The builders built a middle internal gable or wall, whichever it goes into the roof space. Then when they had gone home the wind picked up like hell and blew three cousre of blocks off the wall. I guess thats why there is a windmill behind me for the strong wind. The trusses didnt move though thank God.

The Windmill over the hedge behind me, just to show its a windy spot.


This is the wall that the top 3 course blew over in the freak wind.

This is the infill where the ramp could go if i get the money spare.

Back to the living room floor for now . duh