Is it just me or what. I stumbled across some more paperwork hoops I did not know existed. I’ll fill details in later when they are sorted. So upshot is, I decided to call in at the council offices to speak directly to my planning officer about the paper hoops. Firstly, why do I have to send in six coppies of everything to them, but they don’t send me anything ? Why do these hoops exist when its already passed ? Why was it up to me to stumble across them on their web site. etc etc. Luckily he was in his office and came down to help me jump through the hoops. I now had a form and instructions.
Two working days later back to the council with their form and other relevent items and my credit card. Talked again to my planning officer who ran through my paperwork and took my money… All good… … Until this morning (next day) email to say " Ive filled out the WRONG form and owe them another £3" … I was there in their office… They gave me the form in my hand… They took my money… I’m told I can pay the £3 by phone on an automated system… but guess what my reference details are invalid whupee.
The whole reason I went to the planning office was to get it right first time. Looks like I need a third trip. Happy Days