Noticed the boot light was on my MK3 (2007) and wondered where the switch was to make sure it was out
with the boot shut so as not to flatten the battery over time.
Anyone know where it is…it must have one somewhere surely !!
Noticed the boot light was on my MK3 (2007) and wondered where the switch was to make sure it was out
with the boot shut so as not to flatten the battery over time.
Anyone know where it is…it must have one somewhere surely !!
Ned - didn’t you read the recent thread where someone else asked the same question, and another member put his mobile in the boot in video mode to check this - which proved the point? Try it.
No mobile with video? - get a little kid, and stick him in the boot, it’s worth 50P innit?
Missed it…
Never had much luck with search either
mind you that’s a good idea to see if it works
But…Still like to know where it’s hiding
Well, while it may not apply, on the Mk2.5 it’s part of the boot lid lock. You can press down the catch on the lock with a screwdriver when the boot is open, and it shuts off the Light. I do this if leaving the boot open for any length of time, saves battery drain. You just have to remember to release the lock manually, or by remote - if you have one, before closing the lid. Otherwise you’ll get a clunk and it won’t shut.
Does this help at all?
Hi Ned,
I might be missing something here but my MK3 [2007] boot light has a manual switch on the actual light fitting so I can turn off and on when I like.
Regards TT
Yes, mine has a manual switch which is either on or off but no sign of a auto switch (not sure what you would call it) on the boot lid
and not being able to find the auto(?) switch I wanted to make sure that it turned off if it was left on.
If that make sense
Yes, it turns off when the boot lid is shut with the switch in the on position.
Having seen the original post on this I did the video trick on my Mk4 and, yes it does go off. The ‘switch’ is in the locking mechanism as previously indicated.
Thanks all,
Working as it should…tested by putting the mobile with video on in the boot as per MR Gerryn suggestion.
Regulator please help - three postings again!
Brilliant! My problem was trying to wire in a couple of LED strips into the boot for additional light. There are two wires feeding the light block in the boot immediately ahead of the boot light itself, one Orange and the other B&W, which provided power to a test lamp with the boot open. So I tapped into that, the B&W feed.
Now seems this was the wrong choice as today, after no use all weekend, battery is flat and the demon camera-phone trick shows yes, lights on all the time!
So I’ve disconnected my additional LED wiring and before I make the same mistake and tap into the Orange wire, does anyone know the wiring colour code or even better, have a wiring diagram for this end of things?
Brilliant! My problem was trying to wire in a couple of LED strips into the boot for additional light. There are two wires feeding the light block in the boot immediately ahead of the boot light itself, one Orange and the other B&W, which provided power to a test lamp with the boot open. So I tapped into that, the B&W feed.
Now seems this was the wrong choice as today, after no use all weekend, battery is flat and the demon camera-phone trick shows yes, lights on all the time!
So I’ve disconnected my additional LED wiring and before I make the same mistake and tap into the Orange wire, does anyone know the wiring colour code or even better, have a wiring diagram for this end of things?
Brilliant! My problem was trying to wire in a couple of LED strips into the boot for additional light. There are two wires feeding the light block in the boot immediately ahead of the boot light itself, one Orange and the other B&W, which provided power to a test lamp with the boot open. So I tapped into that, the B&W feed.
Now seems this was the wrong choice as today, after no use all weekend, battery is flat and the demon camera-phone trick shows yes, lights on all the time!
So I’ve disconnected my additional LED wiring and before I make the same mistake and tap into the Orange wire, does anyone know the wiring colour code or even better, have a wiring diagram for this end of things?
^^^ The forum has been very slow over the last hour or so, it actually wouldn’t load up at one point.
Did you press the post button more than once when posting your message, it’s sometimes done when things are a bit slow hence maybe the triple post.
Hi! I don’t know whether anyone can help me with this issue I have with a 2007 NC soft top please? The boot interior light does not light up so I tested the bulb and that’s fine. With the boot lid open and the light switch ‘On’ it does not function. I’ve tested the power to it and there is a 12v supply but I’ve read that the determining factor as to when it comes on is by some form of switch in the boot lock mechanism. Presumably this must be a negative (earth) polarity switch although I cannot see it but confess to not having taken the boot trim out yet. With the light unit out of the car all appears to work when I connect it to a 12v battery. So long story short is do you know anything about a switch built into the boot lock please? Thanks in advance.
Regards to all, Roger
Yes the switch is built in to the boot latch.
Once you remove the rear trim inside the boot - you will see where the wiring loom plugs in.
Many thanks for your information Dean and I’ll get on with removing the trim.