Check your tyre pressures

Indeed. Tapping it out in a hurry.


I have a Halfords gauge and it agrees exactly with the TPMS sensors in two complete sets of wheels. So I’ll say it’s accurate.

Garage airlines are notoriously inaccurate. You might as well squeeze the tyre with your thumb and guess.

Or possibly living Milton Keynes or other modern conurbations with lots of roundabouts! :wink:
(this may of course be an urban myth - but I’ve often wondered :thinking:)

And of course the camber/toe in / out issues.


Lots of opportunities for drifting?


Oh yes!
But probably not at rush hour!


I think that kicking the tyres is better!

Although the accuracy depends on what footwear you’re using!

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Well I would have thought that it was obvious that you would have to be wearing ballet shoes!

You’re the last person i can see who would have or wear ballet shoes! :rofl:

I only ever wear them for “tyre kicking” and always after nightfall.

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My sister-in-law lived in MK for years and confirmed the NSF tyre wear thing. A lot of the roads have quite high speed limits, so people take the roundabouts fast.

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