Greetings from Texas!

Hiya Russ and Family

Thank you for your interesting further info re your purchase ‘across the pond’ :sunglasses:

Bullit and I have been to Scotland [ditto…loved it] and also Wales

Most of us Brits would only be able to dream about the trips you’ve made in your MX-5 across your glorious country :saluting_face:

If you can locate the Thread on this Site

“NC Rear Storage” regarding your ‘family and luggage not fitting in’…it might make you laugh :grinning:


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Great photo’s and story. Thanks for sharing and enjoy your car… Yours has done more miles in 3 days than mine has in near on a year! (it is off the road currently to avoid our awful weather)

Great pictures and write up👍

Just finished watching 1st series of Landman, based in a hell hole of Texas oil production. It’s good to see every country(or county) has it’s beauty areas as well. Bit like Scotland…Central Belt where I live ( Industrial bits ) is bleak and severe…then you get to Stirling-ish and keep driving N/NW to put a song in your very soul.