HELPPPPPP, oh no what have I done! Sold my MX5 NC BBR

TL;DR: GT Sport Nav+ was the top standard specification.
However, I wouldn’t chose it over a 2019 Sport Nav+ due to interior colour (Sand).
I also believe the one you have linked is a Sport Nav+, not a GT Sport Nav+.

Back to other aspects discussed in this thread…
Bushes are a known issue, I am on my second set on my RF but it is also on ~114k so I can’t exactly complain, not sure exactly how long each set lasted.

Worn/pitted and scored or any other comments on brake discs is also normal unfortunately. The rear disks don’t seem to hold up well at all the the elements in general!

Tyres on MOTs I would not say is anything against the owner, I was infuriated when I dropped my car in for a new tyres and an MOT so they failed it first with a bad tyre then fitted it and passed it when I had explicitly told them a tyre was required before the MOT.

Owning both a 2.0 ND1 and a 2.0 ND2 the ND2 is a lot more sprightly for obvious reason so I would lean towards that if you want a 2.0 engine.
RF vs. soft top is purely preference, I got a RF first as it was my only car and lived outside but now I have both and still can’t decide…guess I am keeping them both :partying_face:
I have only ever driven in the Recaro seats :nail_care: but have been told they are better than the standard seats in overall comfort as well as holding you in so would aim for these if possible but from 2019 onwards that limits you to a 30AE of a 2024 Homura.

Full story
There were 8 specifications in 2019 including 1.5 and 2.0 engines plus manual and automatic gearboxes so I am just going to focus on the the 3 specifications for manual 2.0 engines from lowest to highest:

  1. SE-L Nav+
  2. Sport Nav+
  3. GT Sport Nav+

The GT Sport Nav+ additional extras over the Sport Nav+ were:

  • Sand leather seats
  • Stainless steel scuff plates
  • Blind Spot Monitoring System with Rear Cross Traffic Alert
  • Adaptive LED headlights
  • Reversing camera
  • (Plus optional paint choices)

My understanding is that the ‘+’ was added to 2019 onwards cars to indicate the new engine before all specifications were given new names (I have discussed this elsewhere on the forum).

More details can be found here for anyone interested (it is the UK 2019 brochure):

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