Hi New member here. Small steering wheel and seats advice needed

Hi All
Just bought a lovely 94 Mk1 1.8S which I’m going to add a Rocketeer engine. I’m 6’4" and my knees hit the standard wheel. What is the best small wheel?
I’ve seen someone use Lotus Elise S1 seats which give loads more room. Any more ideas?

Sure I’ll have loads of other questions over the coming months.
Jack x


Welcome to the MX5 Community!

Hi Jack,
Have you tried cutting the foam out of the bottom of the seat? I’m 6ft and can fit fine with a big helmet on, I’m not sure if it would be enough of a drop for you though.
Also with the steering wheel I found using a quick disconnect attachment on it moved the wheel closer towards my chest, allowing for a bit more legroom below the steering wheel.

I’ve heard the ‘foamectomy’ works well, although I’m 6’4" and managed ok in my Eunos without one with the seat upright and back. A ‘deep dish’ steering wheel works well in our Exocet but I do moan about not reaching the stalks :stuck_out_tongue: