Mid Week Meal - Wednesday 19th March

Hi Everyone
We are organising the March midweek meal at The Potting Shed , Leicester Road, Ibstock LE69 6HL at 7pm for a 7-30pm meal.
There will be a need to pay a £10 deposit per person to make the booking, we have eaten here recently and it is a very nice venue with a huge car park.
I will attach menus and we would also like you to make your meal choice in advance please.

Bank details for payment of deposit, D & C M Webb, account number 08103475,
sort code 09-01-27

Don & Kate

Hi Don and Kate,

We would like to join for the midweek meal at The Potting Shed.

I have paid £20 deposit by bank transfer and will add meal choices later.

Many thanks

David and Cath

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Hi Don and Kate

Please add David and Ann to your list.
David Classic Fish & Chips
Ann Hot Honey Chicken Strips please.
Thank you
David and Ann

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Please add our names.

Ian & Chris

Food choices are

  • Fish and chips and
  • Gammon steak
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