Mk 1 prices

Obviously I would suggest that my Mk1 for sale at £2.5K would be a better buy! (email for details).
However, I have come to realise that advertising solely on this forum is not such a good choice as most viewers will probably already have one.
I have recently expanded the ad to on-line sites which has proved more beneficial.

I can see that with my Mk1 being priced at £4250 and your Mk1 for sale at £2.5K (email for details), yours is certainly significantly cheaper.

It would be an interesting debate within the forum to determine which is the better buy ???

Re Advertising to a wider audience, thanks a useful observation

I would NOT “debate” whose car is better value.
These things, with the best will in the world, possess the potential to turn a bit toxic TBH.
What makes one car “better value” than the other can be summed up in one simple word…or three words.

  1. Condition
  2. As an Estate Agent ( spit!) would say…Condition, condition, condition.
    Perhaps…with a dash of Ltd Ed eg pukka RS-ness chucked in for luck.
    That’s basically all there is to it. “Values” are simply of meet-in-the-middle from what the vendor thinks he/she can get away with, and what a potential purchaser thinks it’s worth to them. So much subjectivity involved…and opinions differ.

I spent 3.2 k all in fixing up my Mk1 last year.
It looks and is OK…from 10 feet.
I’d be lucky to clear 2k on a fine Rose Tinted day of sale.
Maybe £2.5k if the Village Idiot called with a borrowed guide dog.
In my opinion it “owes” me 3.5k…but I may as well howl at the moon for that.

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Of course value and money are two different things. I don’t mind if my car doesn’t sell because I value the time I’ve had with it (European tours etc) and would be very sad to see it go. I’ve only put it on the market because it’s sitting in a garage and should be out enjoying itself. I feel guilty every time I go to see it, but I’ve moved on to a Mk3 you see.