Hi guys, new here so bare with me plz. I have a 2.0 se 2009 plate with soft top. I have cleared the usual spots that clog up over time with trombone brush etc. However I have a drip coming in from top of passengers side. Dripping onto seat when really heavy rain. It is coming through the hard plastic bit clipped onto the metal roof aligner. Is it possible to tighten the roof on to the rubber on windshield from the roof locking mechanism ? Has anyone had this issue before? Any help would be appriciated. Many thanks
Not a massive amount of information out there but have a look here
Scroll down to the relevant section, it’s a PITA as you have to reassemble to see if you’ve adjusted enough, then take all apart to re do if not. The circlip where the spring attaches is meant to be reused so go easy. If the spring pops off its fastening God help you! It’s certainly not easy to see where it attaches ask me how I know!
Hi Barrie, I am going to try that today if rain stays off! Don’t know where you found that . … But many thanks. I could see a screw in the clip but had no idea how to get to it. ??? I will let you know if it works. ??
Here’s a link to the entire thing, comes in handy at times
That’s great very handy mate. Cheers?? have you had similar problems with ur roof?
Hiya, not really but had a brand new one fitted last year and had to faff about with it after it settled in, to get it to the right adjustment. The old one was very serviceable but looked a bit “tatty” with a few rub marks from when folded. It was 11 years old so the OEM ones do last well RENOVO is a good kit for maintains the roof.
Yes they definitely do wear well. Hopefully this will do the trick with mine. Cheers mate. ???
Hi Gazza, did you manage to fix it? I have the same leak I think.