NC PRHT - Which bits wear, or come loose at the motor?


Just thought i would update this thread for the record.

I have fixed my non moving roof !

The item that i changed was the LH deck motor unit.
I decided to to remove it and take a closer look at it. I found that one of the teeth was worn away on the lifting arm lever/quadrant. I can only assume that there is some kind of limit switch or mechanism inside the motor which sequences the roof to move once the deck is fully raised.

I don’t know whether the worn tooth was the cause of the defect, or whether the tooth got worn as a result of some other problem. All I knew was that it wasn’t correct and needed to be replaced before i could move on to any other suspect item.

I picked up a secondhand unit via e-bay, luckily the seller was only 10 miles away. (PM Sports cars near Derby).

I will attempt attach an image of the offending item.

It may look a bit daunting at first to some folk to take these mechanisms apart, but it really is straight forward and no special tools needed. I might even weld repair the worn tooth on my old unit just to see if it works again with a full tooth.