ND - while ripping out carpet for DRL harness, i found this

I found this today! hidden far under the passenger footwell.

by show of hands, who else knew this was here? :smiley: i knew the Mazda came with a tyre pump for the emergency kit but i couldnt figure out why. now i know.

(also at the time of filming, i did not yet know that ‘black box’ was the bose sub housing :smiley: initially it looked much more of a pig to remove than it actually was.)


Yes, knew that was there.

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:raised_hand:me too.

and me

I think most of us know this.

Yes use it most of the time,funny place to have put the socket I agree.

Found it when down in the passenger footwell diagnosing a noisy blower motor.

On that front, does anyone know where I can get a new one of those, I think the bearings in mine are a little worn and they just make a noise over the top of the air blowing.

i had no idea… now i feel silly i thought i found an easter egg :smiley:

Yep, I’m sure you’ve read the manual, if you get all the way to 5-119 in it of course :wink:

Having said that, you do still have to go hunting for it the first time. I think it’s quite a handy place for it :+1:t3:

Yep. I have a 2-USB socket plugged into it in my ND1. It powers my dashcam and also charges the phone properly whereas the USBs in the centre dash can’t do the latter…

I have my dashcam and Alexa plugged into mine with one of those 12v adaptor to x2 USB plugs. :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

As it is hidden away you see no cables :+1:

Is it just on the ND?

Yes it is.

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good idea on the dashcam! i hadnt thought of that. while ive got all my bits off and open i might go pick one up :+1:

That’s where my phone is plugged in … To be fare i had to Google it to find it :crazy_face:

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I found out about it because someone mentioned it on the facebook page.

On my old MX5, I used it to power my dashcam, since the USB ports in front of the handbrake are used to power my phone and bluetooth receiver which plugs into the AUX socket.

I still use it for my dashcam, and then run the power cable under the carpet and up the side along the A pillar then across to the camera.

I do the same with my dashcam

I found out while reading the hand book I was supplied with must be one of the lucky ones that got some sort of hand book …!