I found this today! hidden far under the passenger footwell.
by show of hands, who else knew this was here? i knew the Mazda came with a tyre pump for the emergency kit but i couldnt figure out why. now i know.
(also at the time of filming, i did not yet know that ‘black box’ was the bose sub housing initially it looked much more of a pig to remove than it actually was.)
Found it when down in the passenger footwell diagnosing a noisy blower motor.
On that front, does anyone know where I can get a new one of those, I think the bearings in mine are a little worn and they just make a noise over the top of the air blowing.
Yep. I have a 2-USB socket plugged into it in my ND1. It powers my dashcam and also charges the phone properly whereas the USBs in the centre dash can’t do the latter…
I found out about it because someone mentioned it on the facebook page.
On my old MX5, I used it to power my dashcam, since the USB ports in front of the handbrake are used to power my phone and bluetooth receiver which plugs into the AUX socket.
I still use it for my dashcam, and then run the power cable under the carpet and up the side along the A pillar then across to the camera.