Newbie up North

Hello everyone, thought I’d liven up a dark cold winter night by introducing myself on here (and having spent an hour trying to figure out how :flushed:) hopefully this posts in the right topic section !

Having dragged my kids up appropriately, with them both out in the big wide world and to treat myself after 40 years of work, I took the plunge and bought this 2.0 NC a couple of years ago.

Broke all the car buying rules about looking at a few before actually making a purchase, plus it (apparently) had no service history, but it was a one owner from new and had four matching quality brand tyres on, so following heart instead of head I bought it and picked it up on a glorious spring day and drove home on windy B roads with the top down and a big daft grin on my face the whole way home. Then after a registering it on Mazdas website I had a bigger grin when up popped a full main dealership service record - result :+1:.

Not really done much to it other than fit a screen so I can have sat nav and Spotify etc. and fitted seat lowering brackets so my head isn’t out in the airflow as much ! but it’s getting a full service prior to a summer road trip to France. :fr:


Starting to become a bit rare these days Neil. If its what I think it is…an unspoiled original. Definately get it two post ramped for a close inspection of botty rotty, wishbones, bla bla. Their bums are beginning to dissolve like boiled aspirins if not halted. But that looks a wee honey bunch.

Welcome along @Neilbrady6, car looks good from the picture.

Which part of ‘Up North’ are you in as there are definitely degrees of that… :smiley:

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Thanks. Yes it’s pretty much original, although I am guilty of fitting a rear diffuser and I removed the centre brake light as I felt it spoilt the rear “looks”, but it’s nothing that can’t be undone later.

I’ve had it a couple of years, so its had a couple of MOT first one failed as it needed welding in the rear arch (apparently a common weak spot?). Sailed through the second one. It’s pretty solid underneath and there’s no sign of rust anywhere on the body, hopefully it’ll stay that way !


Not quite as far north as you I don’t think :thinking:. Yorkshire is where I class as north :joy:

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Hiya Neilbrady6 :handshake:

Interesting colour

Curious…which part of Yorkshire ‘Up Norf’

Got my girl Bullit 2005 2.5 NB 1.8 Icon from Car Craft Leeds in 2007

Was living in Oakworth, Keighley and relocating to Whitby at that time

Now in Newcastle-under-Lyme, Staffs but miss ‘Up Norf’

Enjoy your well earned ‘heart v head’ 2.0 NC plunge…you ‘Canny Lad’ :grinning:

Welcome From West Yorkshire :grinning:

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Thanks, “winning blue” apparently. Although I’m not sure what they won with a blue livery :man_shrugging:

Just to the east of Leeds :+1:

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Hi Neil - You’re just out of my line of sight from here (Thirsk)!

Hi, well you say that, but my regular early morning run out in summer is A1/A19 to the Thirsk turn off then up Sutton Bank across to Helmsley for coffee and buns from Thomas the Bakers :yum: and then via various routes across the top of York back towards Leeds :+1:.

Enjoy i used to have a NC did liads of work to it regretted selling him lad who bought did not look after it not had a Mot. For 3 years so god knows where it is but when you let them go you can only hope it will be cherished, anyway nice colour for me changing wheel colour would personalise your 5 as you already know so many mods you can add the nc is perfect for this anyway enjoy Richy TDA … ooh and up North for me is Northumberland or Scotland as live north east :+1::+1:

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Yeah, I’ve looked at loads of combinations of wheel style and colour, but I keep coming back to the 5 spoke that are on it, I think they look “just right” although they are in need of a full refurbishment. I think my mods will be confined to minor alterations to the design (as per the rear brake light being removed) next up will be relocating the front number plate, I hate how it spoils the body lines at the front :rage:.

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On my nc they needed refurbished i kept orginal wheels but changed to anthracite grey on my galaxy gret mk3 looked fab :heart::+1:

Found an old picture for you to look at :+1:

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I’ll try to join you sometime for that! :slight_smile:

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I must get down to Whitley Bay for their fish suppers again. I’m booked into an AirBnB in the village of Bamburgh in April. Even as a died in wool nut job of a Wode faced Scot, the NE gets me somehow. The people have a lot to do with it. Lovely folk, and we are always welcomed.