Oil change interval

Ultimately it’s a safety issue. And not that expensive in the overall scheme of things. Why not just get it done every 2 years and be done with it…?

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Is that internet scaremongering? Guy tested it and it’s still in the good range and he’s considering getting it done in just two months time!
Think of how many cars are out there with > 3 year old brake fluid in them, and do you see 1,798 cars on the side of the road with the AA van looking at their brake fluid…
Again, this sort of stuff is similar to the hysteria which often occurs when someone says their tyres just had their 5 year old birthday, but still got 5mm of thread on them…cue the advice that a blowout is going to occur by street’s end

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Sorry, I meant in general. Not arguing about doing tests and doing it in 8 weeks anyway.

Tyres do crumble with age, but like the brake fluid, you can normally tell if they’ve gone too far (and that would be picked up on a MOT I think).

And yes there are many folk indeed who don’t maintain their cars properly and really ARE accidents waiting to happen.

Also folk (to bring us somewhere back to the original topic :upside_down_face:) who don’t bother to change their oil as long as the car is still running :scream:

Check out “The motor oil geek” on YouTube, he has some really interesting stuff although his voice can be a little irritating! He is very enthusiastic though and appears to know his stuff.

I’m pretty sure mine used to do an oil change reminder at 6,250? miles but I must have turned it off.

I usually cover between 5,000 & 6,000 miles yearly and when the oil was last changed in September it was still straw coloured. Annual is enough on that mileage.

That is the tyre change rotation reminder, set at 6250 miles but pops up as a “Service”/spanner on the dash

I think you’re right, thanks:)