Retro fitting AC in a MK3 sport

well done , not something that many would attempt !

Very well done BrilliantBlackBirdy, not just for actually attempting this task, but also for the informative diary on your progress.

I was amongst many who thought you were just plain nuts to attempt this, but you have shown us all up, and displayed that with dogged determination, a never-say-die attitude, and sheer bloody-minded stubbornness, such a task is possible.  I take my hat off to you sir !


Excellent, well done, you’re the first person I have seen do and document this 

Good job!

Amazing job! Well done that man! That is a task and a half, I’m sure, but you’ve set about it in a methodical way, collected all the components required to get the job done  Best of all, it works! Great write up too, should be a sticky or whatever they’re called.


Thanks everyone for the kind words. I am grateful for the support especially at the times when the car was most apart!


I’ll work on a step by step guide at some point in the not too distant. In the meantime I have some new close-able vents to fit in the middle and some 8 inch speakers to cram in to the doors!

I would just like to say thanks for the write up, it helped me massively, the job to remove the dash is definitely tough, I am just putting it back together now which is much more fun! I also took the opportunity to switch to a tan colour. Thanks. Joe


Im glad you found it helpful.

Its a big job. But well worth it in the end.