Swapping leather for cloth

“Problem” sorted.

Heated leather fixes the problem of being cold in the winter very nicely. They are hot in the summer and that’s fine if you don’t have shorts on or it’s skin graft time. I do like my leather seats tho.
My jag has perforated leather seats and blows air conditioned air thru the seats to cool in the summer. That’s delightful I can’t lie. No idea how much weight it adds but most MX5s already have aircon. I bet it would be a logistical nightmare to do tho! And cost a fortune.
How about beaded seat covers to promote air flow :rofl:. Joking aside, cloth seat covers might help a bit perhaps, on short journeys at least.
My solution in my ND is roof off and aircon set to low. Does a decent job.

Umm I’ve always been under the knowledge that having AC on with Windows down is really bad for the system overall… The open environment created by opening a window/taking the top off makes the system work far harder and beyond its intended use (to control the temperature/climate in a small limited space).

If that’s correct, you’re asking for trouble having it turned on full chat with the roof off…

In fairness I do that when it’s really hot :hot_face:.
Also my mate in his 5 does too.
Just a bit naff with the roof up when it’s really hot.
Yes it’s working harder but it’s not all the time and needs must.
I would ask what is it going to harm?
You don’t have to have the blower on full. The compressor will be running the same roof up or down.

Yeah it’s the compressor that suffers from what I understand, the fan is just a motor that circulates the air.

Google ‘aircon with Windows down’… There’s plenty of information in why it’s not a good idea… It makes the system work a lot harder and will ultimately contribute to premature failure.

Agreed, but nothing about the roof down. :wink::laughing: Enjoy your evening :+1:

Windows open… Roof down…

No difference? :see_no_evil::joy:

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If it breaks I’ll have it fixed. Its only money and I like roof down air conditioning on when it’s silly hot. :sun_with_face::sunglasses::wind_face::snowflake::+1: