Technical PDFs

The “famous” Mx5/Roadster technical service & parts PDFs are no longer available since 2017/18 if you go to Mellens (?) directly on Google but I dug up a back-door to them last night on the Miata forum.
Cannot post it up in the techy areas, but if some Head Bod can help folks out, good and well.
I’m no good at shortening links by the way, so maybe someone else could.
My advice would be downloading what is most pertinent while the link is still active…you never know.

Hope this helps.


The domain is still registered until next year and names the person who owns the registration, I’ll see if I can find a way to make contact and find out how they feel about making these available somewhere else.

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Right Ian.
I get the potential “etiquette” nature of it now you mention it.

I see someone has created a ‘mirror’ too:


Cheers Ian.
I’ll leave it to those like yourself who know more regarding such matters than I do.
I’ve got my relevant PDF’s on a flash drive now. has always had US parts lists:

Arrive has Eunos Roadster parts lists in translatable Japanese documents:

I cannot vouch whether these sources, or any other source has the legal rights to reproduce Mazda documents.

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