1993 Green Mica Eunos Roadster V-Spec
Purchased July 2023
Imported from Japan in 2004
Initial mods:
- Flyin Miata Turbo Kit
- FM MiataLink ECU
- FM Exhaust
- FM Induction hard pipe kit
- Rota Slipstreams
- Nankang NS2Rs
- Hard Dog roll hoops
- Coolant bypass kit
- Motamec Suede D Wheel
- Awful Amazon stereo
- Vented headlight cover
- Roddisons brake pads
- Big chin lip spoiler
To Do:
- Get MX5Restorer to give it a once over
- Polish tired paint
- Leaking oil from CAS area - assume new o-ring needed
- Drive it!
After a “spirited” extended test drive this weekend, Things to do:
- 2x new tyres needed! Didn’t realise how low the rears were…
- Review the ECU tune; no boost in neutral? Probably as designed but need to check.
- Odd rattle at 2k RPM and high load - loose heat-shield? Maybe waste-gate rattling…
- Raise steering wheel/foamectomy - currently steering from between my knees!
- Refurb shifter - possible worn syncro in 1st…
- 2x gauges not functioning (oil & coolant temp). Investigate…
- Polish and wax/coating.
- Headlights/lamps before winter sets in.
- Some kind of padding/solution for door pull - elbow rash

- Look into a piDash or similar - winter project