2.0 not available in Europe any more, but is in UK

Wow! I have at last found a genuine Brexit Benefit! In UK we can still order the 2.0 ND, but our European friends can only order the 1.5!

Who’d have thought it!


I’d have though it.
It arises from having the freedom to make our own laws.

You might have meant the EU market, not ‘Europe’? As the UK as a country is still in the same place on the map and hasn’t been moved by some kind of super rapid continental drift :slight_smile:


So 1 good thing came from Brexit then. Just 1. But let’s all celebrate our ‘freedom’ from the EU. There isn’t an eyeroll emoji big enough.


I imagine political discussion is prohibited on this platform but I think I might be forgiven for saying I’d willingly forgo the two-litre ND in exchange for our young people’s access to Erasmus as part of a wider freedom of movement (please note that doesn’t necessarily mean greater immigration from non-EU states).


It is… And the B word even more so.

What happened to the word filter? Anyone for Croquet?


Ha - a game invented in Ireland and named by a French resident in the UK. Absolute freedom of movement in the 1850s…


only by horse :joy:

You’ve imagined correctly.

You are reminded to the necessity to refrain from political discourse on the forum.
Thank you.


Works differently on this software, the b word wasn’t included in the default list, however given its ability to turn adults hiding behind keyboards into children it’s now on the naughty list again (for new posts).


Children can’t vote!

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Wondered for a moment why some thread t i tles have suddenly become infected by little black squares - think your auto censor needs some tweaking as, for example, “Al b u m” and “T i t les” aren’t naughty words… :grin:

It does seem to be misfiring… will take a look, though will be tomorrow.

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