I was just wanting to ask what any other 30 AE owners (or indeed anyone else with low profiles) set their tyre pressure at. My TPMS light has come on and I’ve checked my tyres and they all appear to be 25psi. I thought perhaps this is a little low? Or maybe the light came on as a minus 6 temp confused the system.
I think the clue was in your mention of a minus 6 degrees temperature
Air pressure drops as temperatures fall. So if you inflated your tyres to the correct 29 psi when the temperature was 10 or 12 degrees C, they would give a lower reading when the temperature drops.
As a general rule of thumb, I gather a drop of 1 to 2 psi for each 10 degrees C temperature drop is pretty standard.
So if you pumped them up to 29 psi on a warmish day, the pressure reading could well drop to 25 psi on a cold January day when it is minus 6C outside.
29psi all round on my AE30. TPMS has only triggered twice in 5 years, once for a nail slow puncture (which for once in a repairable place on the tyre), the second was again on a really cold morning.
Thanks all and I think Nick has the answer. As they were all 25/26psi and the car sadly lives outside this is possibly the case. Warmer weather tomorrow so I’ll take another reading.
I retested them this morning and all still about 26psi and it was about 5 degrees so. I think I’ll put some air in. I’m just a little surprised that they have lost the same amount of air if they were at 29psi when I bought the car mid November.
The car is without doubt , when all factors are taken in to consideration, the best motor I have owned.