A 31 Germany

Close to the border with The Netherlands lies a German Autobahn with almost no traffic. It is the A31, 245 km long from Oberhausen to the port of Emden. The scenery is not very inspiring, but the road is fantastic. If you can avoid the rushhour ( which hardly exists in this part of the country) you have the road to yourself. 98% of the road has NO speedlimit. So you can go as fast as you like or find save to do so The men from Brabus, those who tune the already overpowered Mercedes Benz bolides, use this stretch of autobahn as their own testtrack. So if unlucky ,you cruising at 130 mph you could be overtaken by a Brabus Benz doing a mere 180 Mph. What’s the fun in that ? No Gatso’s !

It’s not being overtaken but it is the experience of being in the outside lane at 130mph and seeing headlights appear in the rear view mirror, blink twice and a mercedes grille is very very large in your mirror. You learn very quickly to move over!!

So true!  My first experience of that was back in 1968 while on my trusty old fully faired 650 Triumph, cruising down the autobahn at a steady 85, tucked in out of the wind behind the wind-shield, and lying on the sleeping-bag roll strapped to the tank grid.  I glanced behind to check before passing a much slower truck and noticed that at least half a mile away behind me cresting the hill was a pagoda-top Merc.  Plenty of time.  I nipped past the truck and as I pulled in again the Merc went past like I was standing still, and he was up and out of the valley before I had done maybe another few hundred yards.

  • Blink
Just how fast could the old Mercs go?