A second sports car anyone?

I think that we all dream of owning a Morgan oh for deeper pockets or a very understanding wife LOL.

Have you seen the expectation of a new TVR Griffith, could be an option, if money no issue.

Hi JP if only it could be. My wife and I see money as no issue in different ways Im afraid.

Trouble is if I were to put my deposit down on a new, yet un-built one, Iā€™ll probably be RIP before itā€™s ready!

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Put tyres on a 2.7 RS just last week!

I spotted a 1964 Sunbeam Alpine for sale in Frome the other week - asking price Ā£16,000 !

Seems most of these old classics command high prices these days, and when you consider that youā€™ll be buying a fifty-odd year old motor, with all the horrors that could entail regarding rust etc, you have to be a very ardent enthusiast with deep pockets.

At that price, Iā€™d suspect itā€™d be a marginal example in need ofā€¦pick a wee bit pain. They seem ā€œcheapishā€ today still for ones needing TLC.
I love them but itā€™d be the V8 thanks.

This is the problem with loving these sorts of cars, you keep seeing others you like and adding to the list !, I saw a fairly new Fiat Spider the other day , looked rather nice actually , similar to the MX5 funnily enough, and Iā€™ve always liked the Lotus Elise but it looks like a bitch to get in and out of, especially if your getting on a bit :thinking:, The Bristol Bullet looks like the Dogs, but tastes differ, so just need to keep doing the Lotteryā€¦fat chance, but give it a go anyway :grin:


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Just seen an Austin Healy 3.0l go by, grey with white insert panels on the side/doors. Luverly!! I gave the chap a double thumbs-up and he grinned like a cat thatā€™s just got the cream, so to speak!!!

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I often see a Frog Eye Sprite whizzing around my neck of the woods, I assume he lives around here somewhere, not my cup of tea, but Horses for courses and all that, but he always looks like heā€™s enjoying himself, nuff said ! :sunglasses:

When we sold our Alpine two years ago which I spent 8 years restoring, we tried to get a price near to that and all we got was time wasters and tyre kickers, in the end it went to a classic car dealer in Chelmsford and didnā€™t get anywhere near the price we wanted, to rub it in the dealer waxed lyrical about how well the previous owner had restored it and itā€™s one of the best Alpines they have had, and how good the door gaps were, I should think so, I spent ages with a 5/16" drill getting them right on that size. So if you follow the cost of these cars, which I did when I was selling, they do stay up for sale for a long while.
I do miss my classics especially at car shows when I have all the photos showing what rust buckets they were before I started and people saying what a lovely car, BUT, when I drive past a classic broken down as I did on Saturday with a guy sitting at the side of the road (I did ask) all because of some rubbish quality part, I stop missing it as I drive past in one of my MX5ā€™s.

My sister had one in the 1970s for a few years in Africa, -no rust- out there, very dry and no salt ever, but at 5000ft altitude no power either until in the top 1000rpm. However the front corners of the chassis were forever cracking from metal fatigue and needing to be re-welded before each annual inspection.

I do admire some of the old English and Italian classic sports cars, and Iā€™m glad there are people with the money and patience to keep them in good running order, and its a joy to see them and hear them start up at shows etc, but at my time of life and being a mechanical dunce, I just want to get in it and go with the minimum of fuss , my old Spitfire was a joy, very few issues , and a hoot to drive, but a bugger on wet roundabouts,ā€¦ and potholes rattled your eyeballs.
The worst car Iā€™ve experienced ,was my cousins old original Mini, I know they have many fans but this one was a total Bast*rd, I lost track of the times some of us were due to go out on a Friday night and ended up sitting by the road side waiting for assistance , we were glad when he got shot of it , he then bought an old Blue 1960s lotus Elan hard top with a Black Badge which was even worse!

Had to do a quick trip to the pharmacy in the next village this afternoon. On the way back I exchanged waves with a couple in a stunning classic red NA Eunos coming the other way. Canā€™t really think any further than that as a stable mate for my ND.

That is probably right for a 4 potā€¦

The Tigers go for Ā£30-50k and moreā€¦

I adore the styling of so many older cars , none more than from the golden decade of 1959 to '69 . Gorgeous things like the Duetto , Elan , TVR Griffith , 911 , Dino , 275GTB , Gordon Keeble, C 2 and C3 'Vettes and of course the prettiest of them all - the Lamborghini Miura . Itā€™s academic , as I couldnā€™t afford most of them , and experience of driving the odd old car is a reminder of just how much we have moved on .

My ND 2 litre has about the same performance as an EType 2plus 2 , and a Miura would not see which way a Golf R went .

And the driving experience can be memorable for the wrong reasons - a few years ago I was invited to drive a friendā€™s Daimler SP 250 . A Marmite car , but I loved its jolie laide styling , and its little 2.5 litre V8 sounded wonderful and pulled pretty well too (ifnot as well as my diesel Yeti) But God above it was awful - terrible , crashing ride vague steering (which still kicked back like a mule ) so -so brakes and terrible scuttle shake . .

So my old car of choice is a resto mod Porsche from Singer please . It will look like a 1973 911RSR but with more poke , better economy (important on the long runs we will do ) , better brakes and ā€¦errā€¦ aircon please .

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Long time since Iā€™ve heard that phrase. Happy days.

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I had a SP 250 in the 1970ā€™s as my everyday car. It was wonderful then but today? Disc brakes on all 4 wheels but no servo meant you needed a strong right leg. Min you the clutch and steering were heavy too so you could say it had well balanced controls! I would like to try one now to see how rose tinted my glasses are.

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Happened to me in my Mini broke down in the middle of London we were on our way to a wedding, stuck at a set of traffic lights luckily for us three chaps came over and gave us a push across the road bl@@dy fuel pump had packed up . Wifeā€™s uncle said Iā€™ll give you a tow he had a Cortina went about half a mile or so and the tow rope broke ! Happy days . :rofl:

When I was at Uni I had an old Triumph 6T 650, and as usual with bikes I was threading between the stationary lanes of traffic. Waiting at the lights was a white Daimler Dart, and when they changed it was obvious he and the car behind were not going to let me in, and there were bollards ahead and oncoming traffic was approaching.

Fortunately I had just altered the gearing on the bike so first now went a long way up to 60+.

He had wheel spin because of flooring it, and then needed to change gear to keep up and I left him standing. Which surprised me because up until then the handsome V8 Dart was one of the cars I lusted after. After that lack of go being shown, I forgot about them until seeing this thread.

Thinking about it now, I was a very lucky young stupid idiot.

It is no wonder insurance is so high for the youthful drivers.