Advice Please Front Brake Pads need replaced after 5000 miles

The pad-wear problem can result from diligent washing of the car and wheels.

BUT crucially, if one then neglects to also immediately go for the necessary fifteen minutes or more of enthusiastic blow-dry for the underside and, most importantly of all, to polish the instant “shampoo rust” off the discs.

If the discs have a nice even light-brown coating beginning to burrow into the meat of the disc, that works like emery-paper to take off some of the pad surface quicker than normal driving. It can be useful for de-glazing the pads if one hardly ever uses the brakes (I’m guilty here), but I never give it a chance to penetrate any deeper than a faint haze after the wash.

So far as I’m concerned, the Enthusiastic Blow-dry is mandatory! After all why else do we indulge ourselves with such an entertaining car?

Unfortunately leaving the car outside, exposed to the weather has the same effect. I needed to skim/resurface my NC’s rear discs after a fortnight parked at Gatwick. Now I cover the wheels if left outside for any length of time.

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I agree with Richard, plus lack of use over the last 18 months and maybe standing outside in all weathers will put quite a thick layer of rust on all the brake discs. As the pads are in close contact with the discs all the time the rust acts like sandpaper and will wear the pads away in no time. In the past I have seen cars which have stood for over 12 months (usually in a boggy field…) with heavily rusted discs ruin the pads in a couple of weeks.

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I was scratching my head reading this thread, but I think of all the comments made the rusting disk theory is the most plausible and most logical.

I have seen the light rust film forming on my disks a few hours after a wash. I always thought “oh well it will disappear after a few rotations of the wheel”. It did, but I can understand that it will have taken some of the break pad material with it. :roll_eyes:

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I am a bit of a compulsive cleaner when it comes to the car. I used to use regularly either tfr or wheel cleaner on the wheels. Problem is either of these are really corrosive & brakes don’t like them at all, you can see the rust starting before you have even finished the car. Recently have been using mequires dry wheel & tyre cleaner. It really is fantastic stuff but a bit expensive @ around £18 a bottle but no more rusty discs.

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I have had several cars & tbh I’ve never had pads wear that fast. Let’s be honest most cars are parked out doors & most discs do get light rust in a few hours but I honestly don’t believe that has that amount of damage to good pads. My nd has been outside for two years, time I have owned it. The car has 15000 on the clock on servicing it myself a couple of weeks ago it has at least 5mm of material on the pad & that’s the front which wear faster than the rear. Okay so I don’t do that much mileage but I can find no evidence that the pads have been changed it’s a 2015. I will be doing the guide rails & a general clean up. I personally used to sell mintex clutches, pads & shoes. Quality friction goods.