AI MX5 Owners

They said the flying car would never catch on!

Going for that jumping over people record…

Interesting interpretations for: yellow mx-5 pulling a stranded cow out of a mud hole

My Mk3’s just been in for a couple of mods. May need to increase the wheel-arch clearance though.

Mods extend to turning it into a NB1

Heres my contribution haha! Love Bing AI

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Oh yes and one more… seems the AI can’t render hands properly :laughing:

Anyone want a bigger engine?

or wheels?

My investigations have gone beyond MX-5s now and focussed on hedgehogs.

The four hedgehogs of the apocalypse:

Atilla the Hun’s army cross the alps on giant hedgehogs:

But they might have used MX-5s instead…

Miata Art Cars


Only just found this thread.

Brilliant Artwork and photo mods.

Be good to see some more of us females who are not ‘great-grannies’ or ‘sugar babe’ types.

Not knocking it, but you know - girls they like to have fun!

Love all the creative stuff Well done All. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :trophy:

Fancy the Mad Max Mods myself!


The type of body makeup and age range that this generates by default is obviously aimed at the young and slim end of society, being more specific with terms turns out a wider range of more ‘interesting’ results.


Thank-you Ian!!
Really happy to see hands on engineers too. :clap: :+1:


Not a recommendation…

Arty stuff…

And if you can’t find a convenient parking space…

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So impressed with these, and it’s only going to get more advanced.

The time will come when we won’t be able to distinguish between genuine images and video, and maliciously-created forgeries.

Terrifying prospect. :grimacing:

It’s here already, time to treat everything with caution.