Alarm (last night) flashed 5 times @ least Six times ADVICE PLEASE>

HI Guys  Hope you can help me out with this one. Last night for no apparent reason, alarm began flashing with low key siren for about five times ,then stopped for about 30 minutes then started up again, Eventually about 3am decided to investigate but nothing to see, alarm continued to activate over set period for a short time then stopped, prior to flashing again about 30 minutes later.

The only way around it was to deactivate alarm through key fob, and then lock car using key only which is the position we are in at the moment?

At the back of my mind I seem to think this is something to do with a low battery…So advice really appreciated Thanks

Haven’t got a phone or similar on board have you ? My NC alarm will trigger if i leave my phone in the car and lock it.

No unfortunately nothing like that…its really puzzling, the car is a 2010 power shift purchased new  has only 11000 on the clock. Never had a problem with any item on the car and can find no information as to what could cause it.As stated it began in the early hours of the morning,  flashed for 5 times then switched off, only to repeat 30 minutes later and so on.

The car is till under lock and key restraint! Placed a charger on the battery but it came up fine??? really baffled over this one.

Another member had this trouble with the alarm, have a search in the forum, I don’t recall them posting a resolution to it, could be wrong.

I had a Civic Type R a few years back that developed something similar, started happening during the first cold weather of Winter. Turned out to be a duff internal ultra sonic sensor and was replaced as a known issue.

Strange though if you’ve had the car several years and only just started - but worth checking? Is there a way to diagnose which sensor is triggering the alarm?

Hi, I have exactly the same problem with Nc1

I thought it had cured itself as it hasn’t done it for a while.

Started again today…


Up for sale in the spring anyway…40k miles and excellent condition…


Sorry I cant make the link work. Page 2 of ICE at the moment… 

After three nights of turning off alarm and locking with key, finally discovered wife had mislaid works mobile!!Carried out a call search and sure enough her phone was ON and jammed down the side of the passenger seat directly alongside interior alarm sensor.

Phone removed, problem solved!!! many thanks for hint in the first place…Moral of story turn off phone or stand by for an early morning alarm shout!!!

Got one right at long last 

Within 5 minutes of me getting mine home 5 years ago, the alarm was going off.

I’ve no idea what triggered it, it did this twice in the space of 20 minutes, i ended up pressing the key fob button to disable to ultra sonics.


There were no mobile phone devices in the car at the time.

The only thing I can come up with, is the car was parked about 3 meters away from our ADSL router which is on the front window sill.


I spent the next two years disabling the ultra sonics with the plip.

However, I’ve spent the last 3 years just locking it as normal, and it’s not occured since.