Anyone considering a GR86?

On the other hand you could team up with a pal with a 2ltr ND for a practical A-B head to head.
We are all adults here, and TBH no matter how “Good” the GT86 is, the ND will have superior aspects too. Different sports cars with different roles in life…and yet…with some common aims.
Genuine petrolheads here would not object I’m sure, but some might " harrumph" as they rustle the Guardian Letters to Editor page. Politics… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I have an ND1 currently and sort of happy about that as the ND2 with more power is very close on acceleration times so the bigger performance gap between my ND1 and the 86 will feel more noticeable. I still covet an ND2 though. :laughing:

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I had the original Subaru BRZ version and it was a fun car and I am sure the new one will be great, IF you want a tin top…

Just want a “fun” car while we have them, they are going to be extinct soon :cry:
Will be interesting to see how Mazda electrify the MX5 in the future (maybe they just won’t even try and it will be the end for small sports cars… until maybe if battery tech changes to bring weight down and energy density up)

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