Anyone own or know this car?

Just thought id ask if anyone knows this car. Seems odd the fault would not be rectified which seems to suggest its more than meets the eye.
I quite like taking on projects if the price is right but its hard to judge costs involved.

Undiagnosed misfire and a shortish MOT, not wrong to be wary. Maybe you can get an answer here, otherwise I’d be contacting the seller through the advert to ask what has been done (or not) to diagnose it, price is reasonable.

The price got my interest until I read about the misfire.
BBR 200 maybe the problem is with that, may or may not be a cheapie to fix??

It does say MX5 owners club above the rear number plate

Looks like it’s been to Germany:

You need a fault code/s to give you a clue, could be small, plugs, HT leads, coil packs, to more difficult to find air leaks or something electrical on the bbr side. Good luck what ever you choose to do.

Sounds a straightforward and honest advert by someone who’s had the car from new. Tyres are often a good proxy for cost cutting and it appears to have a decent set fitted. Plus a full Mazda franchise service history. Worthy of a chat with the owner I think.

Im guessing its the car discussed here, probably one to avoid sadly.
Wish i were closer as i would offer to help try and fix it foc labour wise if i could.

Hi this is my car. There is nothing to hide, if anyone wants any further info feel free to contact me. We were planning on selling the car when it developed this fault but obviously not fair to advertise it without disclosure. It’s had several parts changed to rule out possible causes and investigative work done. It’s currently in another garage having further investigative work done. Investigations so far would suggest BBR work is not the cause. If the fault is found and fixed, it will still be up for sale with a revised price to reflect it’s true value.


Thanks for the response, hope you get to the bottom of it.

It’s been all over Europe mate :grin:


BBR mentioned in their response on that thread that the valve clearances were near “the upper end” of specifications.
Is this an avenue you have explored?

Very long story cut very short. The car was transported to BBR with a ticking noise and returned without it and it’s been so ever since even though they said they didn’t do any work on it.

Perhaps the valve clearances were rectified if the noise magically went away, so hard to guess at really.
They seem like a marmite company to be fair with what ive read about them but i hope you get to the bottom of it.

Buy it. I keep returning to view the ad. Put me out of my misery. :slightly_smiling_face:

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If I was looking for a third BBR 200 MX5 I wouldn’t hesitate to buy this ……:nerd_face:

Has found its way here now, would hate to buy it and find out it still had a problem.