Appropriate for chaps of a certain age?

I was waiting in traffic behind this van today.
I think we chaps here of a certain age can identify with the sentiment above the VW badge .
(Faces and reg blurred for privacy.)


Not quite sure what an urgent stop is anyway! Well… apart from that reason :wink:

Frequent maybe? :man_shrugging:

I’m lost on this one??

Is it another version of ‘ child on board’? Someway to get you to back away a bit?
Ironically, things that catch you attention whilst driving aren’t the best thing Im thinking…


In my limited experience this is not a problem limited to either chaps, or of a certain age.

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Urgent Stops simply means more frequent pee-pees on a long journey which is why I carry a one litrs Gentlmans Bottle on longer trips… but Prostate Cancer did not help. Oh…Im in remission BTW so Ive a bit of damage to do yet thanks to Forth Valley Health. :blush:


… and long may it remain so :pray: :crossed_fingers:


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