BBR roll bars

Words like “seem” are subjective to your interpretation of how your suspension works and do not really say anything. Rollbars work in conjunction with your suspension, and there is a reason the suspension on a road car is a bit “soft.” Now, you need to ask yourself whether the dampers on your car are still working because the roll bars - even with somewhat perished bushes - unless they have a broken link, would still work as intended.
My suggestion make a coffee and read this thread. it will answer some of your questions but it will probably create more questions. when you are reading this please think about what you need your car to do, and where you use it.

Unless you have gone to a specialist that’s fine (who knows what they are doing and have done the same thing over and over again) but if you are doing this yourself if you change two (or more things at once) chances are you won’t understand whether something helped and something has not. If you need/want to change a number of things, change only one thing at a time, test and assess the difference whether its positive or negative then do the next change.