Best cover for an NC

Any ideas as to the best value cover for my NC
Either foxes or birds have pecked away at my fabric cover leaving gaping holes fortunately not penetrating the soft topN.
Any ideas as to best waterproof cover and one that the buggers cant destroy!!

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A free one is nice. I have a friend who drove a TT, but never used the cover, so he gave it to me. It fits the MX-5 perfectly.

Maybe i will hold out for a free one!

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Anything fabric is potentially vulnerable to being pecked at. I had a garden cushion that got pecked at for no other reason that I could discern other than it was already damaged on that side. So I flipped it over to the unpecked side and the birds then ignored it. There must be something in the material they like once it is penetrated.

Anyway, as to your other question, Halfords do a range of own-brand car covers, one of which is serving my NC well so far this autumn. I don’t think you can expect them to last more than 3-4 seasons realistically, or less if you are outside the East or South East with their milder weather, but that’s better than letting it get wet with all the damage that could cause, or taking up garage space if you are lucky enough to have a garage and are using it for storage.

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Really appreciate reply either foxes or birds had field day and i agree the fabric cover over the softtop seems to attract them
I will give Halfords or Mazda mx5 parts a look and get something less comfortBle for them
Thanks again…no garage to protect it sadly

Hi Paul,

I have used prestige autotrim on my old NC, it worked really well. It eventually shrunk after a few years but was the standard cover, not the premium. Really depends if you are seeking a full cover too. I liked it because it literally takes 2 minutes to put on.


I have a Stormforce cover for my NC. It is elasticated around the front and rear, and secured by straps that go side-to-side underneath the car. I found that with a strong wind up its tailpipe, the cover could lift off up as far as the straps and flog itself on the car, which is not ideal!
My solution was to sew new buckles at the front and rear corners and run longer straps in a X pattern instead. It didn’t really take any longer to do up - I have a very long stick with a nail through it to shoot the straps under the car - and it meant that the cover stayed put in all weathers.
To be completely honest, I haven’t used it in a year or so as it was a bit of an annoyance to get on and off, and despite being breathable I have some suspicions that mould was starting to set in on the hood. Instead, I have settled for keeping the drains clear and the hood waterproofed, and everything has been fine (so far!).

We use these for our restorations here, with the benefit of also being able to unzip at the drivers door if needed… the storm mx5parts ones we found are rubbish ,overpriced and turn to dust in little time.
But as with all car cover we do recommend that they are removed at least every 2 weeks or so for a couple of dry days for the car to breath and put it back on if living out side,never leave any of them on permanently regardless of brand.
Sealey CCM Car Cover Medium 4060 x 1650 x 1220mm 5024209783408 | eBay


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Great advice thanks .is this the right size and fit ? Conscious some end up in the next street when the high winds kick in especially where aerial is?,

I just unscrew the aerial before putting the cover on.
Keep it in the car - only takes a few secs to screw on each time.

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As said just unscrew the aerial , yes ,m=medium is the size needed, we also have these if needed…Car Cover Straps, Additional Strap Kit For Outdoor X 3 (2x5.7m+1x7.5m) ~ | eBay

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Blimey never realised it unscrewed …they do a version SCCM which seems to have more layers but no zip is Ccm or SCCM best?
Great feedback guys gonna grt whichever is better of the two

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BTW without hijacking the thread, has anyone using a cover noticed salty deposits left on the car when you remove it, especially after heavy rain? Any insights as to what might be going on?


Cabrioshield - expensive but good

Sccm should be the ones with the zips. as per the link i posted, the “s” is for sealey,

Thanks again …much appreciated

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