Best Snow Foam?


Just wanted to know what the most effective snow foam product is? Just recently purchased a foam lance for my K2 washer. Also going to have a go at a clay bar on my mk3!

Bilt Hamber Auto Foam is very good

Power Maxed ‘Wash and Wax’, run through a Foam lance is on equal par and better than their Snow Foam

These are my favourites

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I tried snow foam , I could not appreciate what the point of it was. It appeared to me one unnecessary extra step that achieved no more than an ordinary wash. A ploy to supply added income for suppliers ? This is my opinion, I have no connection with any cleaning supplier or detailer !

There is a common belief that Snow Foam cleans your paintwork…It does not.

It is a stage in the cleaning process.

Once a car has acquired a significant film of dirt and grime there is a much greater risk of inflicting sub-surface paint defects during the wash process. This is due to the greater number of contaminants present that may inadvertently be moved around over underlying surfaces as they are removed, and the tendency to scrub the paint more to get it clean. At the simplest level the first thing you can do to minimise this risk is to rinse off as much dirt and grime as possible using a hose or a pressure washer before washing the bodywork by hand. Ten to fifteen minutes spent carefully rinsing off in this way is time well spent, but may not always yield much improvement, particularly if two to three weeks worth of dirt and grime is present and has gone through numerous wetting and drying cycles. In such cases, the use of a pre-wash foaming solution can help tremendously.

The idea behind applying thick clinging foam to your car before washing is simple and the benefits are obvious. If you apply a generous coating of suds to dirty surfaces and allow them to cling in situ for many minutes at a time, the cleaning agents have longer to work and therefore dissolve and suspend a lot more dirt and grime. By the time the foam is eventually rinsed off much of the dirt and grime is simply washed away, leaving relatively clean surfaces behind ready for a careful wash by hand. Clearly, the major benefit here is that the bulk of dirt removal is done before a wash mitt is placed on the car, which greatly reduces the risk of inflicting marring and fine scratches during the hand-washing process.





Personally - i would suggest buying some samples and having a play.

See what works best your you… Try out CYR samples for example:-



Bilthamber Autofoam is by far the best foam I have used to date.

Cheap to buy in bulk, good cleaning power & LSP safe.

I thought I would give this new product a bash good value too as you only need a tiny amount in your lance

Turbo Dirt Buster - Snow Foam 5litre

The results were fantastic. 


My son bought me this for my birthday :partying_face:
Really good stuff, clings well :+1:t3:

Ye Gods!
If that’s what your magic foam does to an MX-5 perhaps we all ought to try it :wink:

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Bilt Hamber Auto Foam is still my go-to foam. I find it a very useful pre-wash step, personally.

Also Bilt Hamber’s Touch-Less is worth a try. Especially at this time of year when your car might be more dusty then truly grimey. I’ve found it’s possible to use it as a fully ‘touchless’ system to get the car foamed, let it dwell, then a power wash rinse. Without any contact on the paint whatsoever.

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On Touch-Less, to give you an idea this was a test I did on a previous daily driver. No contact on the paint.

To note, it will help if you have sufficient Last Stage Protection (LSP) on the car, so the dirt doesn’t have as much chance to take hold. This has Soft99 Fusso Coat under the dirt.

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