Driving in Ealing Haven Green yesterday (I live in Ealing) I turned a corner and thought I saw my own car! Same colour and model, and the reg differed by two letters being inverted, FPO rather than my own PFO. That was weird!
Saw the twin of our Clio last year in a small country carpark not far from home . Same colour and from what I can recall 1 digit out. Cars do get registered in batches so not unusual other than with than the Clio wasn’t originally registered locally so getting the pair of them turning up in same place after 12 years is a huge coincidence.
Around 20 years ago when I lived in Whitefield, north Manchester, there was a posh house with two cars parked on the drive that both had identical number plates.
Car one had a plate in the form 1OAA, one oscar alpha alpha, while the other one had the form 10AA, one zero alpha alpha. (last two characters changed to protect the innocent)
Near where I work I spotted MX52JEM and MX54JEM on identical True Red cars a few days apart, several years later I got MX54JEM - but my car is Stormy Blue
When I was much younger, nearly 40 years ago when my eldest son was a baby and money was a real issue, we bought a Mini Clubman. I cant remember the reg but seem to recall it was H, making it one of the first Clubman’s from 1969, it was 17 years old when we got it. Anyway, went to work and a gentleman call Bob Penrose, working in the same drawing office parked his “standard” Mini next to it. This was a car that he had been bequeathed by a relative and because of the emotional commitment he had spent quite a bit of money having it restored. It had originally been registered in Scotland, we lived in East Anglia. The registrations were identical save for one number in the 3 being different by just 2!
This pic has just appeared on Facebook, At a classic meet in Suffolk this weekend a couple of Cortinas turn up, no connection apparently and this happens!
At the last national rally at Gaydon in 2019 we had a display of 10AEs and I saw my car’s sibling. Same reg but the number element differed by two (366 and 368). At first I thought someone had moved my car to the other end of the line.