Blyton 31st August

We currently only have 15 places booked at Blyton on the 31st. So there is a good chance, if you book, there will be plenty of MX-5’s. :blush:


Well we are booking for another day there :slight_smile:
Going to message blyton about staying over friday night

Do I need to enter the club code somewhere or can I just book? Looking forward to it!

Anyone got an email for blyton? Website just keeps crashing and i wsnt to confirm its ok to stay night before again?

Looks like their site expired! Do they have camp grounds?

At least its not just me the website didnt like lol…
When we did the mx5 day there couple of months ago they allowed us to stay at the track. Not a campsite but toilets were open and you could basically set up tent (or tour campervan) on the grass in the pit area and stay over.

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Booked anyway. Have week or two to sort camping lol :laughing:

Booked! For lunch should I plan to bring food, or is there food at the track?

Food there.

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Booked! (afternoon only)

Always nice to enjoy the company of other MX5’s on the track – and other Nicks :slight_smile:

Lets hope there a few around on the day :pray:

My count so far says at least two Nicks, and at least three MX5s :upside_down_face:


Quick update from Nick to say a handful of spots remaining for the 31st.

Out of curiosity what’s required/ recommended to do something like this. I’ve never done a track day before and considering it.

A car that is not about to break down and a smile. We can rent you a helmet. People can get carried away with what is needed and it really shouldn’t be that complicated.


Thanks, car is in decent condition. Hoping not to break down. What’s the damage on tires and brakes on a track day? my rears are legal but I imagine it would be wise to get them done before hand. did the front brakes a month or two ago, got the parts need to get round to doing the rears.

Speaking of bringing things that might not be needed, I was planning to bring a basic toolkit in case I do have any issues with the car. Is that overkill?

Will be plenty of people about with tools should something happen so wouldn’t worry about filling boot with that stuff :slight_smile:

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For anyone who’s thinking about a first track day, but a bit worried about it: I’ve done two or three track days now. I’ve done nothing special to my car (other than keeping it regularly serviced, and turning up with a full tank of fuel).

And you don’t need supersonic driving skills. Just drive safely, within your own limits. And if you can book a 20-minute coaching slot, you’ll definitely get a lot out of those few minutes of expert tuition.

Bylton is apparently also a very good track to learn on (big run-off areas). And Nick’s team at MOT Trackdays have an excellent reputation for being friendly, welcoming and supportive (as evidenced by Nick’s post on this thread saying “just bring a smile”)

For my part, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing some other MX5 drivers there!
