Boot / luggage rack

Hi all,

I’m planning a two week summer drive and would be depending on the boot rack for storage, but I’ve never used it.


So my question is, how do you use it? if you can source a picture, that’d be grand!


mine’s a stock one, like the one in this pic:,d.d2s&psig=AFQjCNHc3QXzVm28snaJkyaF0pCMEimTOg&ust=1457704414746759


Kind regards,


AJ :slight_smile:

What are you asking?

That one? Good luck. No Idea - sorry


I’ve never used the luggage rack on the boot. How do I secure luggage, e.g. a carry on case, to the rack?


Do I need to buy rope? or straps?

if so, does anyone have a suggestion?






Some straps or bungees

AJ - I given it some thought, basically you’ve got the wrong type of rack on the boot, presumably it was on the car when you bought it?
You need cross straps to hold anything onto the rack, and there doesn’t appear to be any way of fitting these, except by running the straps right around the boot lid. - That’s inside as well as outside.

Go to Halfords, they sell long self locking luggage straps - you certainly need long ones - at least 2M long.
Strap right round the boot lid (on top of the luggage) and under the lid as well, then tighten the strap and make sure it’s locked. Then you also need at least one - preferably two straps to hold the luggage front to back, so it doesn’t flip over the stop - or hit the soft top if you have to brake in a hurry. These will also have to go right round the lid. Frankly, not a good idea, but without buying a decent rack from MX5parts (which would fit over the existing one) you don’t appear to have any choice.

With a good rack, the rack itself has obvious slots to thread the straps through, the ones you have don’t, at least I can’t see any. You strap the luggage to the rack, not round the boot lid.

Don’t heave the straps too tight, there’s a chance you’ll distort the boot lid, then you’ll have wet problems. The lid should still close once the straps are fitted, though I say that with tongue in cheek, hoping the rubber seal will give way enough to be able to shut the boot properly.

Best (logical way) to fit the straps under the boot lid first, side side to first followed by the front to back straps; then either close or let the lid down, stick the luggage on the rack, gather the side to side ends and fix them, followed by the front to backs. Note - the front to backs will be taking up space internally, so allow for that when you load the boot.

Only other way I can think of, you need straps with flat hooks on the end, less than 2M long. Hook onto the sides/front and back of the boot lid and tighten accordingly. Don’t know if you can get these from Halfords, just ask. If you can get some, then get some rubber sheet, enough to cover the hook so it doesn’t damage the paint work. - might be a good idea in both cases, thinking about it.

You could also ask around in your area - anyone good enough to lend you a proper rack - with straps?