can i sell a car without the logbook?

 hiya guys.
sadly after my dads death, i was given the task of selling his car for my mam. the car is somewhat irrevelant now,
but what i do need to know is (im sure someone on here will know, or has had experience of this :thumb-up:)
i am legally the owner of the car, although the logbook will come back in my dads name. (we have a signed witness statement from a solicitor :thumb-up:)
it did have a personal number plate on, which sits lovely on the '5 :thumb-up: :thumb-up: :thumb-up: :driving:
so to transfer plates, we had to send off the logbooks mot’s etc.
we’ve had confirmation to swap plates over from DVLA.
i have sold the car, i have all the FSH etc etc, but the logbook hasnt come back :wallbash:
can i legally sell the car without the logbook?
where do i stand if it gets a speeding ticket etc, because i cant fill in the logbook because i have no logbook :wallbash: :wallbash:
is there a way forward in this shitty state of DVLbloodyA
regards and thanks in advance

I buy & sell cars!

The log book does take a week or two to come back from Dvla after you have had conformation of a reg change, I it has been longer than get on to them.

You shouldn’t really sell a car without a log book and you do leave yourself open to speedind fines etc!

You could get the new owner to fill a V62(the form to get a log book) form in and pay the £25 and post it off yourself, that would keep you safe and speeding fine free!

Cheers Charles


Well, this is what I think is the answer …

The logbook is known by DVLA as the V5C. DVLA should issue you as the new keeper with a revised V5C to show that the car has transferred from your Dad to you. Ordinarily, when you sell a car you would return the V5C to DVLA to tell them that your responsibility for the car has been transferred to a new keeper. They will then send a new V5C to the new keeper, adjust their database so that it no longer shows you and your involvement in the car ends.

The DVLA website says this: “The V5C is not proof of ownership as DVLA records keepers and not owners. While the V5C doesn’t prove ownership you shouldn’t buy a vehicle without one.”

The operative word here seems to be “shouldn’t”. When the Government uses this word (instead of must not) it means that it is advisory but not mandatory. I take this to mean that you can legally sell a car without a V5C, but the buyer is advised not to. After all, you might be selling a car that you don’t own. It’s at their risk.

Note that the logbook or V5C does not prove ownership. It only proves who is the keeper. That’s the person responsible for the speeding tickets, etc.

What is confusing me is that you say that you have sold the car, but you still have the FSH and you don’t have the logbook. But I would have thought that you would give the FSH to the new owner. You shouldn’t have a logbook because you don’t own the car any more.

If you managed to sell the car without a V5C, I see one of three possibilities. The first is that the new owner has a V5C issued by DVLA. They might, for example, have written to the DVLA saying that they are now the new keeper. If so, problem solved. The DVLA database will show them instead of you.

The second is that DVLA are in the process of sending you back the V5C. If so, you should quickly fill in the bit about change of keeper and zap it back to them before you get landed with a speeding ticket.

The third possibility is that DVLA have lost the V5C somewhere within their massive building in Swansea. It happens.

The easiest thing for you to do at this point is to write to DVLA setting it all down. Something like: “Dear DVLA, I sold my car to Mr Fred Bloggs of 13 Acacia avenue on . I ceased to be the keeper from that point. I was not able to return the V5C as you had not sent it to me following the transfer from my father, Mr XXXX. Could you please amend your database to show Mr Fred Bloggs as the current keeper.”

Signing and dating this letter might give you a defence if you get a speeding ticket before it all is sorted out.

Does that help?

 sorry, i didnt explain properly. what i should have said was, i have taken a deposit for the sale of the car. i, obviously still have he FSH. i will be taking your advice and writing to DVLA, on saturday via recorded delivery, (when the new owner/keeper picks up the car)  unless the V5C turn’s up before then. fingers crossed

 You can also ring DVLA and explain the situation and they can record that you have sold the car and will be returning the V5 asap. This should cover you also, but you will need the new keepers details and a lot of patience when trying to explain what you need to the DVLA phone rep!

 On the front of the log sheet it states ’ Not Proof of Ownership’, seems pointless having one doesnt it!