Chassis bracing replacement 3.5 NC

I’m thinking about replacing some chassis bracing but wondered how easily the old ones will come off. Does anyone have any experience of this? It’s a 2009 NC.

Hi Dave,

Seen that you’ve posted a couple of messages on the forum but not getting much back. Unfortunately I’ve not got much to add in terms of advice but I just wanted to drop a wee reply to say that you’re not alone and that I hope you get squared away :). We’ve got an NA and have found it tricky trying to get work done on our car. Seems that willing garages are a little bit fewer and far between up here in Scotland versus elsewhere. If you are stuck it be worth your while giving the Byres Road Garage in Glasgow a wee ring. Appreciate that it’s a bit out of the way for for you but the ladies who run it are brilliant and really willing to help out whenever I’ve needed anything :slight_smile:

I bought the chassis centre brace from mx5 parts. Its easy to take the old one off by undoing the existing bolts. The new one comes in the color red! heaven knows why, but I have painted it black to blend in. Also they are supplied with Allen key type bolts! Why ? I have no idea and I reused the existing original bolts to secure as the new brace fits in exactly the same place as the old and holes line up perfectly.
Its well worth the outlay as this upgrade definitely helps to strengthen the underneath and I can feel the car is less flexible, more solid.

Thanks for the reply. Looking at the MX Shop details its not clear which of the old braces are replaced and which remain when fitting the new brace kit?
