Christmas Disco - North West Midlands - 11th December

It’s that time of year to get your Christmas schedules out!
We are pleased to give you ‘Tidings of Joy’ about a NWM Christmas event.

Saturday 11th December, 7 for 7:30pm.
Wheaton Aston Social Club (usual venue)
Cost £10 per head

This includes a disco and a Christmas buffet, and possibly some Xmas fun!
Dave and Tony will be behind the bar as usual, spreading comfort and joy.

There is a room limit of 60.
Please reply to the forum or Facebook post and we will collect money at next 2 meetings ( or via bank transfer if you contact Jim.)
Thanks to Graham and Sue for all the planning work.


Please put Lynn & Roy on the list.

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Please include Charlotte and Phil

Thanks, Phil

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Garry & Sue have asked me to book them in too

Hope that OK

Thanks, Phil

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Please add Christine and me to Christmas party list.

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Of course - hope you charge a booking fee!



Please put Keith and Elaine on the list.
Many thanks.

Put Clive and Pam on the list please if space available. Thanks

Please include Janet & Derek on list


booked thank you

booked - thanks

@stockrod booked

Please add Paul and Tracy to the list. Thanks.

on the list

Any more interested?

No further interest since our email of last week. To discuss at Wednesday meeting.
