Hiya there, does anyone have a cobra 5320 fitted to their uk mk1 MX5?
Ours has started playing up, at first we thought it was the battery in the fob, we replaced it but the problem is still there
at first, it required the fob to be close to the car for it to work, hence us thinking the battery was on its way out, when the battery was replaced it initially did seem better, but now it refuses to do anything at all [luckily, disarmed] so have gone back to using the key for the doors
We have a spare fob, this also had a new battery at the same time and this too wont work.
Any ideas? is there a fuse anywhere I should check?
I’m not familiar wih this alarm but some Cobra alarms have an inline fuse but I don’t think it will be that as it did not just stop working.
See if there is a thin wire (probably black) coming out of the unit, this is the aerial, make sure it is not shorted ground and you can even try routing it away from metal as much as possible.
I have just had the spare fob apart, and noticed that under the buttons is some greasy stuff, I am guessing here that this is conductive gel?
The fob circuit board doesnt actually have any buttons as such, just two small contacts that the base of the rubber button on the case touches on when pressed.
I think that maybe if it is conductive gel, that when battery was changed some has rubbed off
Does that sound like a possibility?
This sort of fob:
