Cold airfeed/intake options?


Did quick search but couldn’t find anything apart from below:

Waht ways are there of routing cold air to air filter? have seen those light covers but not sure where to look, any ideas?



I have a cold feed tube that runs from a nozzel fixed to one of the tow hooks. The tube runs up through one of the round holes in the fron slam panel and then on to the filter.

I bought the tube, 2 nozzels and the jubilee clips from CBS for £25.

Another option… if you want one. Various colours, comes wih a pre-fitted 120mm pipe that I routed up in front of the engine to just below my K&N filter.

As has been said before…don’t hit any big puddles at speed otherwise you may just feed your engine nice cold water rather than air!!! That said I’ve never struggled with it so far and IMHO it looks good.

There is always the Randall cowl idea of cutting a hole in the firewall beside the washer bottle and taking a feed from there. Behind the firewall is a high pressure area taking cold air down the windscreen.

It’s the option I’m going to go for.

Picture taken from Nutz


Read about randall think its good idea.

Also seen a naca style one on the left headlight, any ideas where to get these?

There’s a place in New Zealand that sells them, they used to do mail order—


I’ve been thinking about this mod too, most of the other ideas are for south paw LHD yank cars that can’t do this (brake master cylinder in the way).  The advantage of the K&N Apollo unit is its heat resistant composite material and in black is doesn’t look Halfords/MaxPower.

I’ve not heard of Randall (any references?), but have heard of Loch Stewart.  Try this article:



MX5Parts sell the ducted headlight covers:


thats one of the articles i read, think may do this at weekend, previous owner put open cone in and doesn’t feel as powerful as i think it should…

Anyone tried the rx7 afm?

MX5parts are out of stock of head light ducts :o(