Okay, let me start by saying say that I DID do my homework, searching here and elsewhere online prior to attempting to solve my cooling problem…but now I am stuck, so, any advice would be gratefully received…thank you!
1999 MK2 1.8i manual
Cooling system was in perfect order until my local garage cracked the old radiator upon removal (to allow access for an unrelated job). I supplied them with a new rad which they fitted. First thing I noticed upon driving the car, aux cooling fan cutting in unusually early, and, water temp needle closer to 11 'o’clock, rather than the usual 12noon. Other than that all seemed fine; however I soon noticed that there was a slow but steady leak of coolant. Got the car up on ramps, but couldn’t locate the leak.
I removed the new radiator, checked it over thoroughly, no leaks or blockages.
Thermostat removed, hosepipe in and a good flush until clear water flowing from bottom hose.
New OEM Mazda thermostat fitted.
Rad refitted.
Filled rad with coolant, topped up expansion tank (front of car still up on ramps). Leaving the rad cap off, engine started and allowed to idle for 15mins plus.
As soon as the engine was running, coolant began gently overflowing from the rad, before settling down with the occasional large bubble.
After a good ten minutes or so, the cooling fan cut in, and the level finally dropped in the rad - so I guess the thermostat opened?
Topped up the rad.
Plenty of heat from the heater, but temp needle still nearer 11 than 12. Top hose hot to touch - in fact too hot to hold onto; both heater hoses hot; but bottom hose stone cold.
At this point I decided to increase the engine RPM from idle to around 2500rpm - at which point water spewed out of the radiator like a geyser!
Topped off again; water level in the rad continued to rise and fall, sometimes overflowing gently. Temp needle still steady at 11ish, heater still hot, top hose scorching, bottom hose stone cold.
Am I missing something?!! Or do I simply need to give it a good blast? I just feel that something is not quite right here, and don’t want to cook the engine!
Many thanks in advance.