Cotswolds Tour - Sunday 2nd June 2024

Cotswolds Sunday Tour - 2nd June 2024 - Tracey and Rich

Rich and I would like to invite you to join us on a tour of the Cotswolds on Sunday 2nd June. This will be a longer day due to the location; we will meet at Hinckley MacDonalds at 10am and leave at 10.30am. We have managed to secure a booking at Gilks Café in Kineton for mid-morning refreshments (coffee and cake or breakfast) and at the Blue Boar in Chipping Norton at 5pm for a Sunday Roast (or anything off the A La Carte menu). Food & Drink - Blue Boar . We need to get numbers and pay by next week.

We will require a £10 deposit for the Blue Boar and pre orders for food – please see attached menu. Could you please bank transfer to the following account:

Name: Ms Tracey J Fradley
Sort Code: 08-93-00
Account Number: 22386883

Please add your name as the description. Any problems with this feel free to call or text me on 07791 068041.

Payment at the Blue Boar on the day will be cash, hope that is ok for everyone.

Please can you let me know asap if you would like to join us so that I can confirm bookings at both venues.

Thank you.
Rich and Tracey
(posted by David Mortiboys)

Please add David and Ann.

Really looking forward to it.
Thank you Tracey and Rich for organising the day.

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Hi Rich & Tracy,
Please add me to your list. I’ll do a bank transfer. Chicken is my menu choice.


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Yes please :pray: from Claire and Sandy
2 x Beef please
Payment by bank transfer on way :blush:

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Please add Paul & Jayne to the list. Thanks. Meal choices to follow!

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Hi Rich and Tracy,
Please add David and Cath to your list.

Menu choices: 1 Chicken/1 side of Apricot & Pork stuffing.
1 Beef

Payment on it’s way.


David and Cath

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Could you add me to the list for the run please.

I’ll not be doing dinner though


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Oh, and technically there are 2 Maccies in Hinckley. I presume the one on the A5, yes

Yes it is but I will post details nearer the time, I wanted to post the basics early to get numbers for the Blue Boar booking.

Yes the The MacDonald’s will be the one on the A5, more details will be posted nearer the time.
At the moment, trying to gage numbers so that I can book the Sunday Lunch.
Thank you
Tracey and Rich
(posted by David Mortiboys)

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Thank you

Hi Tracey and Rich, woukd you please include me for the drive and meal.
Rump of Angus beef x 1
Deposit sent
Thanks Sharon

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Hi Rich and Tracey,
Please add us to the list for the run.
We will not be having the meal though.
Kind regards,
Anthony and Carol

Hi Tracey

Can we please have:
Pan-roasted Chicken Breast
Buttered mash, Sauteed Greens, Carrots, Mushroom Sauce (752Kcals)

  • £19.00 David
    Pork & Fennel Sausages
    Buttered Mash, Sauteed greens, Red Wine Jus, Crispy Onions(672Kcal)
  • £15.00 (Ann)
    Thank you
    David and Ann

Please add us to the run, but not the meal.
Anita and David

Hello, Tracey and Rich.
Please note we have had a change of plan. We’ll meet you all at Gilks Cafe and join in for the rest of the run to Chipping Norton but we will not be eating at the Blue Boar. Thanks.
Paul & Jayne.

Please add Steve and Sue
Meal choices to be added
Thank you

Josie and Phil - paid cash deposit to Tracey

This sounds a lovely day and we would love to join you! I’ve paid Tracey £20 deposit tonight at the pub meet and 1 pork belly roast and 1 chicken roast will be fine for us :yum::grin:
Paul and Karen Wesson

Just booked a cheeky Sunday night stay at Premier Inn Chipping Norton for £65 :wink::grin:
Karen and Paul

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