Croft 5th Aug / Blyton 31st Aug

Was thinking of signing up to one or both of these (subject to wife signing off on it lol) and was just checking if any other members are going?

Me and Paul Roddison are both members! :grin:

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Im doing Blyton on 31 Aug. My first time taking my ND there. I did a few some years ago in my NA, its a good circuit well suited to the 5.

Blyton is a great little circuit and the MOT guys put on a great day.

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Nick, is Croft not to big for a std 1.6 hairdryer lol?

Well had a think and am going to book the Blyton day again i think. Maybe visit croft one the 5 has its turbo or supercharger fitted lol

Croft is a proper ‘grown-up’ track compared to Blyton. It is GREAT FUN. I had something like a half-dozen sessions at Blyton before daring to try anywhere else… Croft and Cadwell easily my personal favourites :+1::+1:

Really want to do Cadwell. Looks like a really fun track. Been a busy year so free time has been limited to get out on events.

On the contrary, it is wonderful for MX-5’s

Fantastic photos again Nick!

Getting clear through Tower, wazzing through Jim Clark Esses and on toward Bancroft top gear fully floored is exhilarating to say the least!

When I finally retire and have time (:crossed_fingers:next year), Blyton refresher and Croft will be the first places my Mk1 goes to… can’t bl00dy wait!

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Awesome video Nick!!!

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What makes you imagine in your wildest dreams that you will have time for anything when you retire? Trust me you will wonder how you ever had time to go to work.

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Pictures now live

And we are back at Blyton at the end of the month.
