I’m looking for technical help or recommendations on: Cruise Control Retrofit
Just had my steering wheel swapped over for the cruise control retrofit alongside a 4 pin brake switch (which is working at least to a basic degree as it’s triggering the rear brake light) however when i press the cruise control on/off switch it just does nothing.
I was thinking potentially it could be because my NC2 is a very very early NC2, still has the dipstick from the NC1 and a few other peices as well as being from 2009.
Just looking for a bit of advice before i swap the wheels back over so i don’t have useless buttons.
It doesn’t have the cruise light on the dash, didn’t check foolishly as I presumed all NC2s had it but apparently I was wrong, I haven’t had the chance to check the brake switch wires but i presume the guage being how it is, is a bad sign anyway.
You had it replaced or did it yourself? If it was fitted for you then I would be checking at the wheel to see if it’s connected at the buttons, do the audio buttons work?
I had it fitted for me, but I was watching the entire time (sat in the workshop as I had nowhere else to go and they also did my clutch) and I sourced the wheel. The audio buttons don’t work but they’ve never worked (I presume since it has an aftermarket head unit and was not wired up correctly)
Yep the audio controls need the specific loom to hook in to the new head unit. Can’t see it being connected with that TBH as long it’s plugged in to the cars loom (the cruise part) at the wheel.
It’s weird as well because its also got 4 cables running off the brake switch connector (so it should work), how do you use cruise on these wheels, want to check im doing it properly.
Just tested mine. The cruise light comes on (orange) when the on/off button is pressed at the wheel. When moving above 19mph set the speed desired by pressing down on the toggle switch below the on/off button. Once set the light turns to green then release pressure on the accelerator pedal. To cancel cruise press the cancel button of course. To up or decrease speed press the toggle switch accordingly up/down.
As I’ve said I tested mine but didn’t start the car, the cruise orange light should come on when the ignition is turned on and the cruise on/off button pressed.
Have you actually driven the car to test, just thinking maybe the light isn’t working?
I have driven the car but not tried operating the cruise as you mentioned, no cruise light illuminates and I can’t see the indentation where there should be one, where on the dash does your one show?
Poor picture but it’s illuminated in this pic orange which shows it’s position, next to the zero on the speedo pointer. It’s actually in the position under the handbrake on warning light, not on in my pic.
Weird my guage cluster is different, it looks like an NC1 guage cluster, it’s got the solid red bar on redline and spacing of an NC1 and the temp guage looks different, it was registered in late 2009 so maybe they used leftover parts?
It’s very difficult to see when it’s not lit, you will need a small bright torch.
Some people have reported enabling CC without the light I would take it for a drive and see if it works.
Whilst driving press the on button then, whilst holding the minus button down, accelerate to a
reasonable speed (30 is plenty ) then simultaneously take your foot off the accelerator and let go of the minus button. If it works “yay” , if not then press the cruise button again and repeat.
If it still doesn’t work you either don’t have it or it’s broken/disabled.
So it turns out i was being a little stupid, no cruise control light however cruise control does work when i use it properly, i think i didn’t give it enough time to work as another car i drive is a golf with adaptive cruise control and it grabs almost immediately, this MX5 seems to lose 2mph before it hooks up and takes over, so i was just putting back on the throttle almost immediately.
Glad you’re sorted. I retrofitted cruise to my Sept 2009 registered NC2 without issue. Mine is a 2.0 SE spec.
Strange that you don’t have the cruise dash indicator though! Wonder if that’s a 1.8 issue? The light turns green when it’s active, so you can see when it’s hooked up. As you say, it can take a second to register.