Curborough - Outline Planning Application (Contd.)

 Here we go again folks, a revised planning application has been lodged with Lichfield District Council for up to 5000 dwellings,associated community facilities and highways infrastructure works.

Application is visible at (if you want to go that far)

Representations (objections) to

It’s a continuing battle - you either get fed up fighting planners or you grit your teeth and carry on regardless, but give some thought into what comments you make, don’t restrict them just to Curborough track but bear in mind that adjoining arable land will also be affected, and never mind the future, we need that land now for food.

While the present economic climate will affect immediate development, there are many factors which come to mind, not the least the need for AFFORDABLE housing in villages, towns and cities across the country, and while we must accept that need, it’s extremely doubtfull that the proposed development will do anything to solve that problem. You own opinion may well be different, but we either stand and fight this erosion of good farm land or we join the future food queues for a loaf of bread.

Lichfield, having wasted a week in the post (snail mail) we now have 21 days left to lodge objections, which by my reckoning is July 15th, so don’t delay - Do it now!

 Letter received from Lichfield DC yesterday.

Have been gradually perusing the new additional information (until we lost connectivity a couple of hours ago).  I see the local cycle club is on our side - they make great use of Curborough.

However, if you check the new documents, things like affordable housing have been taken into account.  I know it’s a drag, but at minimum read the “Curborough Consortium Summary Response to Lichfield District Council Consultee Response”.

Anyway, let’s hope the destruction of a classic motorsport venue can be saved…



 I received my letter on Thursday and have duly regested my objection on-line. Probably a forgone conclusion that it will go but it shall such a shame.[::(]
