I have started to notice quite a bit of condensation this time of year on the inside of the windscreen. so I bought a couple of those dehumidifiers that are in a bag absolutely useless. has anyone used one with any success
I use the small plastic tub type, £4 for 6 at any bargain price store.
I use the PINGI ones that can be recharged in the microwave.
Not perfect but they deffo reduce the condensation in the car.
I usually find if there is a lot of condensation - the water is getting in somewhere.
Are your carpets damp ?
I made my own out of a litre ice-cream tub about a quarter full of aquarium foam (to absorb the liquid produced) and topped up with dehumidifying crystals which are cheap if you buy a large bag.
I leave this open in the passenger footwell when the car’s on the drive and put the lid on when I’m using it.
Works a treat.
Bullit lives in an unheated garage and she’s fine until I get in and start breathing then all the windows fog up
Go figure the heat in my cream crackered old lungs !!
So windows up/windows down for a bit until the engine heats up then she crystal clear [plus heated rear wind screen]
When Madge was kept outside and I noticed the battery well was damp I used a large walking sock filled with kitty litter that kept the well dry for six months.
Put a couple of kilos of rice in a cloth bag, a pillowcase works well, put that in the car and it will absorb moisture from the interior.
Place the bag in a warm oven from time to time to dry the rice out. This works really well and is very cheap. You can use the same rice indefinitely.
first thing I thought of was water getting in but the carpets are bone dry. first soft top l have owned are soft tops more prone to condensation
Over the last few weeks with the snow & ice - I find that there is a light frost on the inside of the hood in the morning ( car parked outside 24/7 )
When I am warming the car up - I use a drying towel to completely dry the inside of the hood.
I get a tiny amount of condensation if I don’t use the PINGI’s
My car has no condensation or leaks when the weather is above freezing.
I’ve got a couple of the bags in mine and they do absolutely nothing.