I am interested in doing an Autosolo event with my local motor club, but I don’t want a 5 grand bill when I (inevitably) punt a cone and trigger the deployable bonnet pyros (2019 ND2).
I have read all the internet scuttlebut about disconnecting the explosives and adding low value resistors, but as far as I can see if the system triggers it still scraps the SRS ECU, which then needs replacing and re-coding to the vehicle. That is $$$ and ball ache!
Has anybody found a simple way of temporarily disabling the system> Don’t care about dash warnings etc. for the duration of the event.
Wondering if something like rigging the bonnet switch so it always thinks the bonnet is open would fool the activation logic? Or maybe unplugging the speed sensor (wherever that is) so it never sees over 20kph.
Anybody managed to do this? Ta!
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