drain tube flaps replacement

Anybody know if you can get replacement drain tube flaps?

Hi Johno

Unfortunately the flaps are an integral part of the drainage tube.

If the flaps break you will have to install a replacement tube with flaps intact.

Others have used bits of foam to get around the road noise issue where the flaps have been compromised but that would worry me as likely to lead to tube blockage and water getting into the car.     


Hi Johnomx5,

You can’t get just the flaps, but might be able to repair, is the car a Mk3 nc softop, if so there are two flap valves built into the water run off tube system, to get access you need to remove the seat belt reel assembly, which is behind the panel which goes across the rear behind the seats.
Once you’ve removed the seat belt assembly from its hole you’ll be able to see a reinforced tube if its been fitted on correctly, to remove the tube & vales. Grip, twist and pull down both of the valves should come out the lower one locks into the car body the other pushes into a rubber pipe. if you need new valves etc they are about £16 if you need the tube between the valves it comes complete both valves & tube cost (are you sat down) about £70+. to get at the rubber flaps you need to soak the valves in very hot water ie boil a kettle, ( note which end fits into the tube) then try carefully with a terminal screw driver to work the plastic over the locking clips, pull apart take out the rubber flap (note which way up it goes) clean, put in boiling water again (5min), remove put on a flat surface with a weight placed on it let it cool down (may have to do this a couple on times) when flat put back together, this may or may not work if it doesn’t you will need to get 2 or 4 new valve assemblies,(worked on my car only need to get 2 valves) Hope this helps.

if you need anymore info on how to strip the valves etc pm me your tel No

If the flaps are open the noise will be like a failed wheel bearing. Stick a bit of sponge, Sainsbury 30p scourer, in the lower aperture will sort it out

One of my flaps was missing when i bought my car and after cleaning out the tubes had a  rumbley noise so put in a piece of foam like you have in fish tank filters. Just bit bigger than the end opening with an inch or so hanging down. Remove it regularly and tip water down to check all ok. Did stop the noise. 

On my Mk 2.5 I tie wrapped a finger cut from a rubber washing up glove onto the end of the drain tube, then cut a nick in the end of the finger.

Works a treat, stops the noise, drains OK and does not get blocked.

Man at garage gives you a strange look if inspecting under the car!!

I have just bought the lower flap assembly for my 2010 PRHT from the local main dealer. They cost £9 each (inc VAT).

Unfortunately, I’ve still got the road noise issue so will wait until the warmer weather when the plastics are more malleable and I’m more inclined to spend time on the drive trying to figure it all out. It’s a good tip about putting warm water down the drains so that the pipe is more flexible.

Are there any special considerations with removing the seatbelt hardware from the panel behind the seat ? I was thinking that the battery will need to be disconnected to prevent the pretensioner going off but do I need any special tools ?