Drive to MX5 Owners Club rally at Compton Verney

I spotted that the North West owners club group are meeting at Lymm services at 08:00 on Sunday 9th June, aiming to set off at 08:30 to drive down to the Owners Club Rally at Compton Verney together.

I’m posting this here as a reminder that the North West group (which now incorporates us Greater Manchester members) is alive and kicking (and also friendly and welcoming.

I look forward to seeing old friends and new on the drive, and a the rally!



Wish our 5 had been road ready for the rally…alas time has beaten me lol so it cant go :sleepy:

Ah thanks for this Nick. I now realise I must have read that and not made it up!

Will probably leave here at a similar time, so might well pick them up on the M6 :+1:t3:

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