Driving from Newbury to Shipston on Stour

We drove from Havant up to Stratford-on-Avon for a weekend away a couple of weeks ago in the fantastically hot weather and were determined to drive just the B-roads once we had gone up the A34 to Newbury. It’s actually really hard to get a Tom Tom to plan a B-road route! Anyway the B4494 from Newbury to Wantage is a brilliant winding drive across the undulating hills with spectacular views for miles either side. It’s one of those roads where you can see the road winding it’s way for miles ahead of you, so plenty of chance to open up the throttle and ‘give it some’ as there was barely another car on the road when we did it on a Saturday morning.

Continue north to Witney and then the B4022 and B4026 to Chipping Norton and then up the country roads to Shipston on Stour. Great fun and lovely scenery.

I drive up to Witney from Reading most weekends between April and November. Every other trip I use the MX5 and often take the route you mention. It’s a lovely drive and as you mention, it’s a route with views and opportunities to “drive”!

 Another route I take is to go via Hungerford and Lambourn to Highworth (B4000) and then cut across to Witney, another lovely drive.

